Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 4. July 2024, 07:42 by wuc)

This is a line assessment puzzle. The title 'Zunderobsi' is a swiss german word for mess or disorder - the most suitable name for the puzzle I found. Have fun and leave a comment.


Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.

All other constraint use the common ruling:
  • Thermometers: Digits on Thermos are strictly increasing from bulb to tip.
  • German Whispers: Usually shown as green lines, adjacent digits along a German Whispers line must differ by at least five.
  • Renban line: Usually shown as purple lines, digits along a Renban line must form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.
  • Arrows: Digits along an arrow must sum to the number indicated in the circle from which the arrow emerges. Digits may repeat along arrows if allowed by other rules.
  • Modular lines: Any set of three adjacent digits along a teal modular line has three different remainders when divided by 3.
  • Between Lines: Digits placed on Between Lines must be strictly between the digits placed in the circles at the ends of those lines.
  • Palindromes: Digits along a gray palindrome line read the same forwards as backwards along the line.
  • Regional sum lines: Box borders divide each blue line into segments with the same sum.

play on sudokupad

Solution code: Row 7 left to right.

Solved by jalebc, EmX68, StefanSch, fuxia, halakani, LehanLehan, cathematician, hige, jerricanary, forsen, Chelo, Fizz, scushuaishuai, johncj, gdc, Xalothros, Mozart40, Piff, Sabs, maniacaljackal, ... Drawoon, JSmoove1099, abadx, bielaczek, Martini&Toto, Lodinn, asver, Chiefredhawk, kross, unlogical, KingIsulgard, Stargazing Albatross, nunc, Lovejoy , PippoForte, DutchMark, Blackophelia, Juanfox
Full list


on 1. December 2024, 13:24 by nunc
Merci für das schöne Rätsel. We me de mal die richtige Frage stellt, geit's doch ganz gäbig.

(Swiss German for: Thank you for this beautiful puzzle. Once you start to pose the right questions, it goes really well.)

on 17. September 2024, 23:21 by abadx
Easy break in, but by no way an easy puzzle. Well set

on 6. July 2024, 16:37 by macintux
I loved the interactions between the lines. and while it has an easy break-in, there are plenty of subtle but not brutal checkpoints along the way to make it challenging for a less-experienced solver.

Very nice puzzle. Thanks.

Rating:90 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:10 times

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