I've made a new whisper line, and named it in honour of a famous Austrian. As in his thought experiment, each pair of digits can be in two different states, and you'll only resolve which after observing it properly. I started with a red E.S., a purple box, and a dead (or alive?) stick-man (or stick-cat?), and this is where I ended up:
Normal Schrodinger Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with the digits 0-9 such that no digit repeats in a row, column, or box.
S-cells: in each row, column, and box there is exactly one S-cell, S-cells contain two digits instead of one, and their value for the purpose of other clues is the sum of those digits.
Killer cages: Digits do not repeat in cages (though values may repeat) and values sum to the total in the top left corner of each cage.
Renbans: Each purple line contains a set of consecutive values. ***Neither values nor digits may repeat on a renban.*** e.g. (25)-8-9-(37) is a valid renban. (14)-6-(34)-(26) is invalid, because the digits 4 and 6 are repeated.
Austrian Whispers: Adjacent values on red lines are either equal, or they differ by at least 10
Sudokupad link
Good luck!
note:My apologies to those who solved the original version of this. I made an error and left out the line segment on r5c56. The puzzle was still solvable, but I believe significantly harder than it was supposed to be. This version hopefully flows much better, and is closer to the intended difficulty.
I am extremely new to constructing, so all attempts, comments, feedback on my puzzles are very welcome.
My previous puzzles: Schrodingerenban
Solved by SKORP17, bansalsaab, rameshsrivats, Vodakhan , SincereEngineer, matzrh, wullemuus, Chishiri, Dr Logic, cryptique, bodemeister, Ton, PippoForte