A Girl with Quadruples for Eyes
(Published on 5. July 2024, 01:09 by filuta)
I would like to dedicate this puzzle to wisty, whose puzzles inspired this one in several ways and also from whose wisdom I never stop learning as a person. Huge thanks also to all the good people who helped me with refining the puzzle through several versons in one way or another, before I finally got it right (I hope).
You can also find the puzzle in a
separate PDF.
penpa+ link (the answer check requires edges in the pentomino puzzle, digits in the battleship puzzle, lines in the loop puzzle and both names written in capital letters one letter in each cell)
sudokupad link
Solution code: First the normal name and then the actual name.
Solved by wisty, kinoseidon, The Book Wyrm, MonsieurTRISTE, Matthew Humphrey
on 5. July 2024, 02:16 by wisty
Puzzles for people who love puzzles. Super clean, interesting, inspiring, and great fun from start to finish! The dialogue is so fun, and piecing together the solution to the mystery puzzle was a phenomenal blend of challenge, nostalgia, and satisfaction for me. Without spoiling anything, the fact you were able to make this work is ridiculously cool. Thanks as always for such a unique solving experience!