Solve here: SudokuPad
Have a nice solution! I will be very glad to see your comments.
Solution code: row 1 (9 digits)
on 11. October 2024, 15:49 by burgermason
Wow, I need to do some work on my sudoku skills. How did this take me 26 minutes?
on 3. July 2024, 01:00 by frosto
A true 1 star puzzle, very nice.
Yes, 1 star is my level haha. Thanks.
on 28. June 2024, 11:01 by sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, fractalminding!
Thank you for solving and feedback, sujoyku!
on 27. June 2024, 15:29 by PinkNickels
Fun speed run! 5:13
Wow. A good result. I'm glad you had fun.
on 27. June 2024, 08:37 by Onkel_Dagobert
Nice and easy for me, under 8 minutes. I suggest 1* difficulty.
Thank you for feedback. I agree, this sudoku is easy.
on 27. June 2024, 08:24 by Belamis
Great puzzle, thanks. I have been playing around with a similar (global) negative-constraint for whispers lines - So enjoyed seeing your use of this constraint in this puzzle.
I am pleased that you appreciated my idea. I plan to create a series of similar sudokus.