Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 27. June 2024, 05:09 by sanabas)

Normal Schrodinger Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with the digits 0-9 such that no digit repeats in a row, column, or box.
S-cells: in each row, column, and box there is exactly one S-cell, S-cells contain two digits instead of one, and their value for the purpose of other clues is the sum of those digits. The red circles are S-cells.
Killer cages: Digits do not repeat in cages (though values may repeat) and values sum to the total in the top left corner of each cage.
The grey square is an even value.
Renbans: Each purple line contains a set of consecutive values. ***Neither values nor digits may repeat on a renban.*** e.g. (14)-(06)-(25)-8-9-(37) is a valid renban. (14)-6-(34)-(26) is invalid, because the digits 4 and 6 are repeated.
Sudokupad link
Good luck!

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on on 27. June 2024, 05:12

Solved by Kafkapharnaum, Snookerfan, bansalsaab, SKORP17, SenatorGronk, Lizzy01, smckinley, SeveNateNine, matzrh, bodemeister, wullemuus, Chishiri, Ton, Myxo, PippoForte, steeto
Full list


on 14. July 2024, 08:05 by wullemuus
This was quite tough, almost a 5stars break-in.
I struggled with the same difficulties as others which was a kind of consolation. Keep on going was totally worthwhile and so I look forward to your other puzzles!

Last changed on 13. July 2024, 16:01

on 12. July 2024, 16:46 by bodemeister
Yeah you're creating awesome puzzles now! Love all the S-shaped cages, and had a lot of fun solving this one, although it took me awhile to really get going!
Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it

on 27. June 2024, 18:29 by bansalsaab
Congratulations Sanabas. Great debut.

Last changed on 27. June 2024, 11:40

on 27. June 2024, 10:38 by Snookerfan
Lovely puzzle! Thank you


Last changed on 27. June 2024, 11:44

on 27. June 2024, 07:29 by Kafkapharnaum
Had to jump on this immediately when I saw that you had published your first puzzle, even as I was, or so I thought, on an extended puzzle hiatus -- figured it could only be exceptional from such an accomplished solver who can seemingly solve just about anything, any kind of puzzle, and I was not disappointed in the least! Just non-stop fireworks in the break-in, and from there, you are right that it is quite smooth. I'm not quite sure about 2 stars for the post break-in, anyway I was quite slow, especially for the last cage (maybe just rusty), but all in all, it was indeed super smooth for such a ruleset. Hats off!

Thank you very much for the kind words. Especially from someone who sets the sort of puzzles you do [and I need to work through some of your back catalogue at some point. :) ]

It's very gratifying to hear. I intend to try and set some more, I have ideas for good bits of logic, it's just turning that into an entire puzzle that is the challenge, especially while keeping it elegant.

on 27. June 2024, 05:12 by sanabas
typo in rules

on 27. June 2024, 05:11 by sanabas
This is my first ever construction. I'm pretty happy with the break-in, not so happy with the latter part of the solve. I'm just guessing on the difficulty, I suspect the first few steps are around 4*, but then the rest is closer to 2*

All comments & feedback are welcome

Rating:88 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:8 times

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