Solution code: Row 5
on 14. July 2024, 08:05 by wullemuus
This was quite tough, almost a 5stars break-in.
I struggled with the same difficulties as others which was a kind of consolation. Keep on going was totally worthwhile and so I look forward to your other puzzles!
on 12. July 2024, 16:46 by bodemeister
Yeah you're creating awesome puzzles now! Love all the S-shaped cages, and had a lot of fun solving this one, although it took me awhile to really get going!
Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it
on 27. June 2024, 18:29 by bansalsaab
Congratulations Sanabas. Great debut.
on 27. June 2024, 10:38 by Snookerfan
Lovely puzzle! Thank you
on 27. June 2024, 07:29 by Kafkapharnaum
Had to jump on this immediately when I saw that you had published your first puzzle, even as I was, or so I thought, on an extended puzzle hiatus -- figured it could only be exceptional from such an accomplished solver who can seemingly solve just about anything, any kind of puzzle, and I was not disappointed in the least! Just non-stop fireworks in the break-in, and from there, you are right that it is quite smooth. I'm not quite sure about 2 stars for the post break-in, anyway I was quite slow, especially for the last cage (maybe just rusty), but all in all, it was indeed super smooth for such a ruleset. Hats off!
Thank you very much for the kind words. Especially from someone who sets the sort of puzzles you do [and I need to work through some of your back catalogue at some point. :) ]
It's very gratifying to hear. I intend to try and set some more, I have ideas for good bits of logic, it's just turning that into an entire puzzle that is the challenge, especially while keeping it elegant.
on 27. June 2024, 05:12 by sanabas
typo in rules
on 27. June 2024, 05:11 by sanabas
This is my first ever construction. I'm pretty happy with the break-in, not so happy with the latter part of the solve. I'm just guessing on the difficulty, I suspect the first few steps are around 4*, but then the rest is closer to 2*
All comments & feedback are welcome
Difficulty: | ![]() |
Rating: | 88 % |
Solved: | 16 times |
Observed: | 8 times |
ID: | 000IOI |