Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Self-Referential Sudoku

(Published on 21. June 2024, 12:02 by Awedish)


Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, there are 8 numbered cages which contain values that satisfy their corresponding rule:

[1] The number of cells along the blue diagonal containing a value greater than this cage
[2] The index of the only column where cells strictly alternate between odd and even values
[3] 4 less than double the value of cage 7
[4] The number of cages with odd values
[5] The value of cage 4
[6] The value of this cage (no information given)
[7] The number of cages with even values
[8] The only other cage number whose value is the same as this one

For example, if cage [2] contained the value 3, the third column of the puzzle might read "634125" from top to bottom.

Play the puzzle here: SudokuPad Link

Solution code: Row 3 then row 4. 12 digits, no spaces.

Last changed on on 21. June 2024, 16:14

Solved by StefanSch, FlashZange, Philologos, nickwilson, m_busuttil, kublai, anonymoose, SaucyFisherman, SKORP17, Yawnus, Slink, zrbakhtiar, bensisko, ryan_campbell2010, SudokuHero, apokrupto, Basil, sacklunch, dingledork, helisolver, Crul, paranoid, PippoForte
Full list


on 21. June 2024, 18:04 by Yawnus
Hilarious puzzle! Cage 6 was my favorite :)

on 21. June 2024, 16:14 by Awedish
Clue 6 is a non-clue. It provides no information. You can treat it as saying "???"

Rating:88 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:8 times

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