Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 22. June 2024, 08:00 by marty_sears)

This is a remaking of the 2nd sudoku I ever made, shortly after my debut puzzle "The Magic Column" was featured on CTC in November 2022. I kind of forgot about it til recently and never posted it on LMD. Last week I thought about it again and thought of some ways of improving it, using some of the things I've learnt in the last year and a half. So the ruleset is the same, but I'm much more pleased with it now.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • A digit in a yellow circle (or a two digit number in a yellow pill, reading left to right) is spelled out in English using the number of letters indicated by the digit in the circle it is pointing at, or by the two digit number if it is pointing at a pill. Eg: TWENTY FIVE is spelled with 10 letters, so a 25 pill would need to point at a 10 pill. (This example would be problematic as no zeroes are allowed in this puzzle!)

Play on the CTC app

Please leave a comment if you enjoy :)

Solution code: Row 8 from left to right

Last changed on on 22. June 2024, 13:41

Solved by lmdemasi, sanabas, mos, Vodakhan , SparkNights, zrbakhtiar, Prince Myshkin, WatermeRen, Onyx, Jagga, tkn, Paletron, bansalsaab, Snookerfan, Gilliatt, SKORP17, nighthawkranger, brimmy, linl33, ... -Tsigje-, zakkai, andreiz, thertemis, FifthWorld, Firebird, jakestilesowen, Ton, AsgarArn, mir85, QuiltyAsCharged, PippoForte, Liamhere, jwanders, anormalperson, TheGrand547, Mr.Wilderby
Full list


on 14. November 2024, 02:39 by jakestilesowen
I like the introduction of non-standard rules, the relatively neat grid, and the reasonable logic.

on 16. October 2024, 16:33 by FifthWorld
Note to self: it's forty, not fourty.

on 5. July 2024, 21:53 by Ratfinkz
Lovely! Slightly tricky until you work out certain logic, then flows beautifully! Loved this

on 3. July 2024, 14:49 by ChinStrap
Marty continues to make these lovely puzzles with logic that feels like I can hear his thoughts while setting. Great approachable puzzle

on 28. June 2024, 17:49 by fortunia27
Don't know how Marty comes up with some of these, truly a sudoku mad genius! A brilliant puzzle as always

on 22. June 2024, 23:42 by anyeyeball
Very fun and original. Loved it!

on 22. June 2024, 18:25 by Franjo
Again a lovely puzzle - an easy one this time (2 stars) as long as you can spell. In one case I got it wrong… I’m not a native speaker, but - what a shame! Thank you so much for sharing this funny thing.

on 22. June 2024, 12:20 by WatermeRen
lot of second guessing myself as is common for me with new constraints, but cool nonetheless

on 22. June 2024, 12:06 by Prince Myshkin
Amazing puzzle once again, Mr Sears!

Rating:91 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:11 times

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