Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bosnian Fillomino #2

(Published on 5. July 2024, 10:00 by Mark Sweep)

Standard Fillomino rules apply. In addition, draw a loop (1-cell wide) that does not touch itself orthogonally, but may touch itself diagonally. The loop either goes through all or no cells of a Fillomino region. The loop does not go through cells with a circle. The number in the circle indicates the number of cells in the (up to) 8 surrounding cells that are used by the loop.

Fillomino rules
Divide the grid in regions, such that no two regions of the same size touch orthogonally. Each cell contains a number that indicates the size of the polyomino it is in.


Solve example on Penpa

Main puzzle

Solve main puzzle on Penpa

Solution code: Row 4, Row 8

Last changed on -

Solved by tuturitu, Christounet, h5663454, Jesper, marcmees, Ktt, szabog, MagnusJosefsson, Chefofdeath, RJBlarmo, Paletron, jkuo7, Mr_tn, jessica6, ONeill, Piatato, SudokuExplorer, Snookerfan, Agent, Steven R, ... dennischen, KNT, sth, Beanie, ascension, StephenR, r45, misko, Statistica, Sewerin, Calesch, TheZwierz, nicuber, Grausbert, Zorzi, dogfarts, Pearcec, csilva, AsgarArn, GTLSE, GoogleEnPassant, Ppaatt
Full list


on 23. December 2024, 15:23 by AsgarArn
Very nice two puzzles, in this series!

I almost found this one simpel er than the first, both avarage to me, maybe that is because i solved them this after the other.

Nice construction not to hard!

on 15. July 2024, 19:10 by StephenR
Some interesting logic, thanks.

on 13. July 2024, 04:06 by ascension
My new favorite puzzle series :)

on 10. July 2024, 13:00 by KNT

on 7. July 2024, 14:01 by Snookerfan
Excellent puzzle and great fun! Thank you

on 7. July 2024, 13:25 by SudokuExplorer
Brilliant puzzles with really neat logic, thanks!

on 7. July 2024, 11:09 by Piatato
Great fun :)

on 6. July 2024, 10:30 by Chefofdeath
Great puzzle! Every step was so silky smooth and clever! Thank you for sharing

on 6. July 2024, 10:01 by MagnusJosefsson
Fun puzzle, very enjoyable!

on 6. July 2024, 04:10 by szabog
Very good ruleset, thank you :)

on 5. July 2024, 15:50 by marcmees
tricky till the end. thanks.

on 5. July 2024, 14:38 by Jesper
Fun and smooth!

on 5. July 2024, 11:14 by Christounet
Superb ! Very fun. Very nice logic all the way. Thanks :)

#3 when ?

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