Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sevenfold Chaos

(Published on 18. June 2024, 21:49 by wuc)

The second approachable chaos construction puzzle in a small series. I tried to spice it up with using the rarely used 7x7 grid and a constraint I never saw before. I think it is around 1.5 star difficulty. Enjoy and leave a comment if you liked it.

  1. Killer Chaos Craze
  2. Sevenfold Chaos
  3. Chaotic Arrow Mayhem
  4. Checkmate Chaos

7x7 Chaos Construction: In every row and column, each digit from 1 to 7 occurs exactly once. In addition, there are 7 orthogonally connected regions in which each digit from 1 to 7 occurs exactly once. The shape of these regions have to be determined by the solver.

The squares show, how many of the four attached cell borders are actually region borders.

The numbers in circles give the number of horzontally and vertically seen cells of the same region including itself. Region borders block the view.

Negative constraint: All circles are given.

play on sudokupad

Solution code: Column 4 digits top to bottom, but only from the region that captured the center cell c4r4.

Last changed on on 30. June 2024, 14:00

Solved by samuelsamjo, tweak42, stonetim, ecwyne, Steven R, Unknown, h5663454, teuthida, PatJoyce, oskode, maniacaljackal, roku137d, fuxia, zrbakhtiar, gdc, NotThatKindOfDoctor, redgecko, marcmees, jkuo7, ... xenicat, 3ColorTheorem, gnidan, Nemefish, bielaczek, lordovol, Andrewsarchus, Sinuit, simontherry, W1n5t0n, Nootato, xxGRABOIDxx, IDEK, CrypticFunkies, Hark Vitrina, KJ_for_science, GoogleEnPassant
Full list


on 15. September 2024, 20:23 by Nemefish
I made this puzzle much harder for myself by forgetting the negative constraint.

on 30. June 2024, 14:00 by wuc
Added the link to the newest puzzle in this series

on 27. June 2024, 08:22 by Nordy
Loving this series!

on 22. June 2024, 15:28 by wuc
Added links to the other approachable chaos construction puzzles

on 19. June 2024, 12:54 by gdc
Very nice puzzle. I love sightlines clues and they were used in a very approachable manner here.

on 19. June 2024, 09:23 by PatJoyce
Epic! Well done.

Last changed on 18. June 2024, 23:59

on 18. June 2024, 23:58 by wuc
Changed solution code description, yed column 4 sorry. Thanx for letting me know.

on 18. June 2024, 23:22 by samuelsamjo
amazing puzzle!! thank you so much for making chaos construction fun and approachable.

on 18. June 2024, 23:21 by samuelsamjo
He meant column 4 in the solution code

Rating:95 %
Solved:109 times
Observed:5 times

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