Normal sudoku rules apply.
Diagonals that span from the top edge to the right edge are indexed 1 to 9 from RIGHT to LEFT. Each of these 9 diagonals does not contain their index. The following 3 rules apply EACH diagonal 1-7:
1) The sum of the digits equals 5 times its index.
2) Digits do not repeat
3) Digits do not appear in reverse order.
In addition to the three rules, pairs of orthogonal digits contained within the seven diagonals must sum to at least 6.
One 3x3 SUDOKU box is a copy of another 3x3 SUDOKU box.
The digit sum of the nine digit NE to SW diagonal is less than 42.
Useful tips:
-the 3x3 magic square contains all three part partitions of 15 using unique parts 1-9
-the sum of the digits 1 through 9 is equal to 45
There are no given digits
On account of sanabas' comment, I decided to add links to f-puzzles and CTC that includes the seven killers and the highlighted region where orthogonal pair sums >=6.
Solution code: Left most Column (top to bottom) then bottom row (left to right) no spaces (18 digits)
on 19. June 2024, 18:09 by Red Raven
changed the name of the puzzle from 'Less than the Ultimate Answer' to 'Find the Doppelgangers'
on 19. June 2024, 05:49 by Red Raven
@Briks I added new text to the puzzle to hopefully add clarity to rule 3. sanabas' interpretation of rule 3 in their reply comment to you is correct.
on 19. June 2024, 05:38 by Red Raven
Added new play links to the puzzle with more display options. Added clarity to one of the rules.
on 19. June 2024, 04:38 by sanabas
@Briks I just took it that a thermo from bottom right to top left would be incorrect. i.e. at least one (and possibly more) digits break that thermo.
on 18. June 2024, 22:07 by Briks
I have no clue what 3) means. Thermo?
on 18. June 2024, 12:48 by sanabas is one I made up with the 7 little killers added, and the region where orthogonal digits are >=6 coloured in.