Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Checkered Slitherlink

(Published on 18. June 2024, 03:12 by KNT)

Draw a loop that travels along the edges of some cells that does not touch or cross itself. Each marked 4x4 area contains the same clue type, and orthogonally adjacent 4x4 areas contain different clue types. The possible clue types are as follows:

Edge hint: The clue indicates the total number of edges surrounding the clue cell that are used by the loop.

Touch hint: The clue indicates the total number of times the loop visits the clue cell. A visit is defined as a contiguous section of the loop traveling on the boundary of the cell, including the possibility of just a single corner point; two such sections are considered separate visits if the loop leaves the boundary of the cell between them.

Vertex hint: The clue indicates the total number of vertices surrounding the clue cell that are used by the loop.

Turn hint: The clue indicates the total number of vertices surrounding the clue cell at which the loop makes a turn.



Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop, clockwise, starting from the top left. X if greater or equal to 10.

Solved by wooferzfg, Christounet, Mark Sweep, Niverio, Paletron, Myxo, jkuo7, Jesper, ONeill, tuturitu, Mr_tn, XIAOYING, itweb, ildiko, lupo, JustinTucker, the_cogito, ibag, Zzzyxas, AndreasS, Nick Smirnov, Uhu, Otterlicious, Taeqle, ManuH, Geoteve, gepa, ns08, akamchinjir, Silverstep, Lyun Licuss
Full list


Last changed on 29. December 2024, 01:09

on 29. December 2024, 01:07 by Silverstep
Very pleasant puzzle! No weird logic in the middle at all. A great straightforward showcase of what the ruleset can do.

It's the end of 2024 and it seems like I've reached the end of KNT's 2023 backlog :P can't wait to finish 2024's backlog by christmas next year

on 23. July 2024, 22:23 by ibag
Das war auch ein schönes Rätsel für unseren Mini-Stammtisch!

on 19. July 2024, 16:52 by the_cogito
Loved it, not too hard, for me anyways, just takes a long time haha

on 21. June 2024, 02:30 by ONeill
A great lesson for slitherlink noobs like myself :) thanks

on 20. June 2024, 17:29 by Jesper
Cool puzzle!

on 19. June 2024, 00:31 by Myxo
Absolutely brutal puzzle, but very fun!

on 18. June 2024, 11:19 by Niverio
KNT you are the sole reason why I will need to visit my eye doctor this year. Solving this on a small screen was painful, yet still lots of fun.

on 18. June 2024, 07:22 by Christounet
Enjoyed testing this a while ago !
Now I agree it's time to get back to work !

on 18. June 2024, 03:11 by KNT
Everything I have posted in 2024, besides the few Chaos Constructions, have been leftovers from 2023. This was the largest of those leftover puzzles, so naturally I am posting it last - and I am aware a handful of solvers here have already solved this elsewhere. I hope to the rest of you it is an enjoyable slitherlink.

And with a near-empty backlog, it seems I should start setting puzzles again...

Rating:100 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:6 times

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