Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ziggy-Zaggy Kropki

(Published on 16. June 2024, 19:49 by NotsoHard)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Slow thermo

Digits along a thermometer must increase or stay the same from the bulb to the end.


Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio (ie. one digit is double the other). All possible black dots are given.

SudokuPad link

Solution code: The first 5 digits of row 9, from left to right.

Solved by SKORP17, jalebc, teuthida, fuxia, brimmy, Xalothros, butch02, Fisherman, by81996672, Unknown, scushuaishuai, coolguy14, RickiFerrara, rameshsrivats, Bjd, kkli, sujoyku, Myxo, flaemmchen, m_busuttil, ... pepe74287, DarrenBurnett, bpcobra96, Nagesh, chain.reader, Tompzini, TCK Green, paranoid, TaeChi, nunc, forsen, chanelaw, Uhu, Onyx, SevenSplitRoad, timww572, dan19, asver, PippoForte, Carolin
Full list


on 23. January 2025, 14:29 by Carolin
Memo to myself: Always read the rules until the very end. ;-)

on 18. June 2024, 19:46 by Nagesh
Very considerate of you regarding solution code. It really eases the job of those who solve on mobile devices. Hope those who still ask for 18 digits will wake up to this.

Last changed on 17. June 2024, 16:19

on 17. June 2024, 16:17 by VitP
That's two in the middle, losing its religion ...
wait ... no it's not.
that's THREE in the middle ...
not so hard after all !

on 17. June 2024, 10:52 by sujoyku
Thank you for this fun slow thermo puzzle, NotsoHard! I already took a go at it yesterday, but kept on breaking. Although I told myself several times that slow thermos are less restricted than normal thermos, my brain seemed to be unwilling to accept that fact. :) Today, I quickly found my oversight and it all flowed very nicely. Thank you for setting and sharing!

on 17. June 2024, 08:39 by rameshsrivats
Lovely puzzle. Smooth all the way.
And thanks for trusting the solver and giving a simple solution code. I wish everybody did this.

on 17. June 2024, 01:01 by Fisherman
A puzzle for beautiful minds. A job very well done.

Rating:89 %
Solved:65 times
Observed:10 times

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