Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Getting In on the Ground Floor

(Published on 19. June 2024, 05:00 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. ARROWS- Numbers on arrows sum to the number in the arrow's circle. Numbers may repeat on arrows if other rules allow. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with white dots between them are consecutive. Numbers with black dots between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible dots are given. KILLER- Numbers in cages sum to 10.


Solve on CTC

Solution code: Column 7.

Last changed on -

Solved by jalebc, rameshsrivats, WatermeRen, Chelo, seeppp, m_busuttil, ashbrown24, sujoyku, MarthaB, grothar, Ragna, flaemmchen, Bionic Cheese, Markos95, agvard, PinkNickels, fuxia, achim-t, samuella, ... zhergan, Bconner5, Benitora201, timww572, finger, lanark, mogest, BlackApolloX, Zedarflight , Matthew Humphrey, asii, MetaceR, KingIsulgard, asver, pollyparrot, Muendo, pms_headache, martin1456
Full list


on 20. June 2024, 20:19 by jklimp
Another really fun puzzle. I enjoyed the break-in and the flow was very nice after.

on 19. June 2024, 18:00 by Mozart40
Challenging for me, but fun!

on 19. June 2024, 14:56 by PinkNickels
Nice to have a fun 3* from WP! Thank you!

on 19. June 2024, 14:13 by Ragna
Fun puzzle - as always!
Thank you for your time. :-)

on 19. June 2024, 11:18 by sujoyku
Thank you for this great puzzle, Will Power! I found it (especially the break-in) quite challenging and really liked the placement of the crossing arrows and the Kropki dots. Superb setting!

Last changed on 19. June 2024, 09:55

on 19. June 2024, 07:25 by Chelo
Very nice as always @Will, thank you for sharing!..

@Chelo Thanks very much for playing and commenting. It means a lot. -Will Power

Last changed on 19. June 2024, 06:46

on 19. June 2024, 06:35 by WatermeRen
Got a bit blinded at start, once I found an opening, I found it flowed pretty smoothly.

@WatermeRen Excellent job, and pace, on this one. You are the third to get in on the ground floor. 8-) -Will Power

Rating:94 %
Solved:149 times
Observed:6 times

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