A Colombian Jigsaw Sudoku
(Published on 14. June 2024, 01:18 by xaviercastle)
This sudoku variation follows the standard rules: each digit from 1 to 6 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and outlined region, with no repetition. In the diagram on the right, the dots above and to the right indicate how many cells in the corresponding column or row will contain the same digit in the solved grid on the left.
Solution code: Last row (6th) from left to right.
Solved by Ignotus, jalebc, Luigi, Chelo, ryanprobably, marcmees, wdaley1, sanabas, SenatorGronk, Felis_Timon, misko, SeveNateNine, karen_birgitta, logik66, zrbakhtiar, SKORP17, Myxo, Miaocik, sandmoppe, bhambells, PippoForte
on 15. June 2024, 16:15 by sanabas
Interesting idea. Final step for me was a very sneaky pair to colour, one cell saw both colours and so wasn't either digit, which made it false and resolved the remaining T/F options.
on 15. June 2024, 05:43 by RockyRoer
Here's an online link. I couldn't solve this one though :-/
on 14. June 2024, 15:17 by ryanprobably
Would be nice to have an online link for solving but a nice puzzle nonetheless