Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

ta' yIqaw!

(Published on 13. June 2024, 01:33 by LeaVulpina)


NOTE: All my puzzles may be used by streamers/sudoku-tubers; gimme a buzz on Discord if you do! :-)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Orthogonally adjacent digits may not sum to 5 or 10.

Identical digits may not be a chess-king's-move apart.

Digits joined by a red dot must be in an x:1 ratio.

Digits joined by a blue dot must be in a y:1 ratio.

x and y must be determined by the solver.

Digits joined by a white dot must be consecutive.

Not all dots are necessarily given.

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on on 13. June 2024, 01:36

Solved by Bjd, by81996672, coolguy14, Niverio, jalebc, Ragna, Yawnus, Gilliatt, PinkNickels, AKernel, linl33, SKORP17, Jagga, TaeChi, Unknown, Julianl, zrbakhtiar, PuzzlePatzer, MaxSmartable, Kawkaz, dtoto, PippoForte, lovely
Full list


on 20. June 2024, 19:10 by Kawkaz
I really enjoyed this, mid-game was a little complex but overall not too bad.
Highly recommend everyone to give this a try.

Last changed on 13. June 2024, 22:47

on 13. June 2024, 20:47 by PinkNickels
This one seemed super tough at the outset, but careful thought can get one through the break-in and it's smooth sailing. Highly recommend this one! Great piece of setting!

Response from Lea: Thank you so much for such high praise! I do admit though, I'm terrible at estimating puzzle-difficulty >.<

Last changed on 13. June 2024, 18:37

on 13. June 2024, 16:09 by Ragna
Fun puzzle! Thank you! :-)

Response from Lea: Thank you for kind words and the solve! =)

Rating:83 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:10 times

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