Turns out I love puzzles with a constructing phase and a solving phase. Rules are a bit long, but still understandable I hope. Fun fact is that they were twice as long when I first crafted the puzzle (with types interacting differently with each-other). Now they look cleaner to me, even though they are not as much "Pokemony" as they could have been.
Rules:Solution code: Row 10, left to right, 0 for empty cells. (12 digits)
on 9. June 2024, 19:16 by MaizeGator
Exciting premise, but the rules are not clearly written and may be a barrier to some.
I would recommend starting by saying "Normal deconstruction rules apply; locate nine 3x3 regions in the grid (each region is a "pokeball"), such that each pokeball contains the digits 1-9 and digits do not repeat in rows or columns".
"Each pokeball must contain each digit from 1 to 9" Edit to: The pokeballs contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.
"Orthogonally connected cells belonging to two different pokeballs must differ by at least 5."
I have never heard the "antireplica" rule called "antireplica". Personally, I think "disjoint" is more common and makes more sense, but this could just be me.
Breush: thanks for the feedback, I think you're right with your suggestions. I will update the rules in a few days.
on 9. June 2024, 08:28 by Breush
Added precision about given digits.
on 9. June 2024, 08:23 by horseradish1
Do the given digits have to be included in a pokeball?
Breush: Yes, sorry, adding the precision to the rule.
on 9. June 2024, 07:24 by h5663454