Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Squishy Deconstruction

(Published on 8. June 2024, 14:52 by Oddlyeven)

Rules: Place nine 3x3 regions in the grid such that each region contains the digits 1 to 9 once each and no digits repeat in any row or column. Regions may overlap. If two regions share cells, their shared cells must not form any 2x2 areas. Cells outside regions are empty.
Circles and Squares: A digit in a circle in a region counts how many of that region's cells overlap with other regions. A digit in a square in a region counts how many of that region's cells do not overlap with other regions. All circles and squares contain digits. If a circle or square is in more than one region, it counts for each region separately.
Cages: Digits in a cage do not repeat, but not all cage cells need to contain digits. A cell in a cage has value equal to its digit multiplied by how many regions it is a part of. The values in a cage sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.

SudokuPad: https://sudokupad.app/q68ouywsra

Solution code: Column 7, top to bottom (9 digits, use 0 for any empty cells).

Solved by Mr_tn, ONeill, SKORP17, AKernel, SudokuHero, h5663454, Tom-dz, Norkas, Nell Gwyn, gdc, karlmortenlunna, Ratfinkz, abed hawila, Komeiji_Carey, Paletron, bansalsaab, TheArkmaster
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on 10. June 2024, 20:45 by Norkas
Extremely fun puzzle. What a crazy ruleset for an incredibly well set puzzle.

on 9. June 2024, 16:48 by ONeill
Weird and fun!

on 9. June 2024, 04:35 by SudokuHero

on 8. June 2024, 23:44 by AKernel
An evenly odd puzzle by Oddlyeven. A masterpiece!

on 8. June 2024, 18:39 by ONeill
Weird and fun!

Rating:95 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:5 times

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