Normal sudoku rules apply (place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and 3 by 3 box).
Adjacent digits along a yellow Dutch Whisper line must have a difference of at least 4.
Each number in the grid indicates the height of a skyscraper in its cell, a clue outside the grid indicates the number of skyscrapers visible from that direction (where taller skyscrapers block shorter ones from view).
Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in that arrows circle, digits may repeat along an arrow if allowed by other rules.
An inequality symbol between two digits 'points' to the smaller digit.
A digit in a grey square is even.
F-Puzzles link (doesn't include solution)
This is my first sudoku, I appreciate any feedback and I hope you enjoy.
P.S. The yellow lines also fulfil the constraints of two other types of lines in variant sudoku, bonus points if you know what they are!
Thanks for solving everyone, now less than 3 weeks later this puzzle and I have had the honour of being featured on the Cracking the Cryptic youtube channel! The link to the video is here.
Solution code: The digits along the positive diagonal followed by the digits along the negative diagonal (read from left to right).
on 27. June 2024, 10:13 by Tomato Pie
Added a link to the video on CTC youtube channel.
on 11. June 2024, 15:03 by Tomato Pie
Fixed spelling errors in rules
on 8. June 2024, 10:46 by GorgeousNicko
This is one of those Magic Eye puzzles, where you have to take a step back and let the focus emerge. A great sudoku, a doubly great first one.