Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Stable King

(Published on 6. June 2024, 10:05 by NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Any digit inside a cage can not be separaded by a king's or knight's move (in chess) from the same digit.

Any digit outside a cage must be separaded by a king's and/or knight's move (in chess) from same digit.

Digits within a cage must sum to the total in the cage corner.

Digits can not repeat within a cage.

Cells connected by a white dot must be consecutive.


Inside a cage, "ANTI-" rules MUST apply.

Outside a cage, "ANTI-" rules must NOT apply.

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle


Feel free to recommend this puzzle to anyone.

Feel free to take special rules for your own puzzle.

Feel free to give feedback.

Bless you!



The 7 is within a cage and therefore none of the blue cells in box 2,4 and 5 can contain a 7 i.e. can not be a king's or knight's move away from the 7

The 6 is not within a cage and therefore at least one of the yellow cells needs to contain a 6 i.e must be a king's and/or knight's move away from one or more 6's

Solution code: give the digits of column 4 and 5 (top to bottom)

Last changed on on 3. July 2024, 19:18

Solved by Piff, Isa, fuxia, Jagga, Snookerfan, SKORP17, dtoto, pepe74287, Gilliatt, Big Tiger, gdc, Wahaj, Onyx, paranoid, karen_birgitta, zrbakhtiar, Crul, bpcobra96, Askloomok, tobymgk, TaeChi, humaLautema, ... MinamotoYoshi, Uhu, JohnDoeJersey, timww572, ikaikaw, iyork, asver, ehnvn, snowyegret, Lodinn, Stargazing Albatross, tiredsudoku, PippoForte, AnebodaSlatorp, TroublesomeOrca, Chlorophyll, mcc
Full list


on 3. July 2024, 19:21 by NurglesGift
Thank you! a new one coming tomorrow :)

on 3. July 2024, 19:18 by NurglesGift
added example

on 3. July 2024, 17:12 by Enkerro
Very interesting puzzle, glad to have solved it. Thank you for setting!

on 1. July 2024, 15:21 by NurglesGift
thank you, yeah I like this ruleset myself, if I do a new one I will try to find a better way to state the rules

on 29. June 2024, 14:13 by samuelsamjo
this is very fun and clever! when you understand the rules it is brilliant. the only reason this has a bad rating is because people dont understand the rules.

on 7. June 2024, 20:00 by NurglesGift
edit description

on 6. June 2024, 23:29 by Big Tiger
Clarifying: Inside a cage, "ANTI-" rules MUST apply.

Outside a cage, "ANTI-" rules must NOT apply.

on 6. June 2024, 10:06 by NurglesGift
Maybe only 2*. you decide

Rating:90 %
Solved:47 times
Observed:11 times

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