Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Viper in the fog

(Published on 15. June 2024, 10:00 by Jolly Rogers)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Fog: The grid is partially covered in fog. Correctly placed digits will clear the fog around that cell. No guessing is required.
  • Quads: Digits in a circle must appear in the four surrounding cells.
  • Snake: Draw a single one-cell-wide snake of orthogonally connected cells which begins and ends in Box 4. The snake can touch itself orthogonally and diagonally, but must not branch or overlap.
  • Box 'N' must contain 'N' amount of snake cells, and within this Box ‘N’ the digit 'N' must appear on the snake. For example Box 5 must contain exactly 5 snake cells, and one of these snake cells must be the digit 5. (Boxes are numbered in the standard way - shown in example image).
  • Box borders divide the snake into segments which sum to either 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20.
  • Cells which are not part of the snake must be able to orthogonally connect to the grid boundary.


Play on SudokuPad

Hope you enjoy.

Solution code: Row 6 and Row 9 (left to right) but only the digits on the snake

Solved by Xalothros, redgecko, wuc, Maxima, sanabas, Gilliatt, ole-1995a, elpadrinoIV, Kyhl, jkuo7, Nylimb, EFlatMinor, tonald, WvdWest, MagnusJosefsson, han233ing, LeaVulpina, Philologos, x3y2z1, CHRosenthal, ... Sewerin, lmdemasi, Uhu, QuiltyAsCharged, andreiz, diddy, Leilalu222, hgfe, Claine, belnovic, Andreas.vm, michaal94, GoldenGod, sarabtx, Mikkel_a, kowareta, zuzanina, PippoForte, TheKyoshiroFan
Full list


on 22. July 2024, 12:20 by QuiltyAsCharged
Puzzles like this are why I don't mind rulesets that are a little bit long or unusual. If done well, that can lead to interesting logical challenges that wouldn't otherwise be possible. And this puzzle was set very well indeed! Bravo

on 15. July 2024, 00:59 by AaronB
Very nice!

Last changed on 24. June 2024, 23:59

on 24. June 2024, 23:25 by sockerbecca
I really enjoyed this solve! I usually struggle with hard puzzles, but got this down in 90 minutes.

Afterwards, I watched Simon's solve on CtC. Seeing him struggle a lot more than me made me suspicious... Maybe I made false assumptions, and thought I had proved some things that in reality I just guessed correctly?

Regardless, I had fun :)
Nice one! Glad you enjoyed the puzzle, it was a satisfying one to set :]

on 21. June 2024, 07:40 by jinkela114514
Forgetting the last rule made me very confused with the snake construction in the bottom 3 rows.

on 18. June 2024, 04:06 by BorisTheSnake
Beautiful setting... loved the rules!!

on 17. June 2024, 02:18 by Nylimb
Very nice puzzle! I made it harder than necessary: I reached a contradiction at least 3 times before seeing what false assumption I'd made. Then I got stuck for a long time before realizing that I'd forgotten part of a rule. After that it was easy.

on 15. June 2024, 17:29 by sanabas
Agree wtih wuc, enjoyed that a lot.

Need to be very careful through the middle section about potential snake paths, very easy to make a mistake and need to backtrack.

on 15. June 2024, 14:28 by wuc
What a great puzzle! Easy break in. Hard but very satisfying middle and smooth end. 3.5 star for me. Awesome job thx.

Rating:94 %
Solved:115 times
Observed:10 times

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