Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pentomino Yajilin

(Published on 31. May 2024, 20:24 by KNT)

Draw a loop that moves orthogonally between cells and does not visit any cell more than once. Cells containing clues must not be visited by the loop.

Every unvisited cell besides those that contain clues must form pentominos - areas of exactly five orthogonally connected empty cells. No pentomino shape may repeat, including rotations and reflections, and they must not touch each other, not even diagonally. Not all of the 12 possible pentomino shapes must be used.

A clue specifies the number of cells belonging to pentominos in the indicated direction.

An example with tetrominos is provided:



Solution code: For each row from top to bottom, the number of times the loop turns. X if greater or equal to 10.

Last changed on on 25. June 2024, 21:10

Solved by nuzzopa, Myxo, Jesper, tuturitu, Koalagator2, Playmaker6174, Greg, uvo, mnasti2, jkuo7, Agent, Mr_tn, Christounet, h5663454, ONeill, MagnusJosefsson, Paletron, Piatato, KevinTheMH, zzw, jessica6, ... ns08, SXH, Joe Average, QuiltyAsCharged, Leilalu222, ibag, the_cogito, lmdemasi, Nick Smirnov, Zzzyxas, lupo, Joshua547, smartmagpie, michaal94, Lucx, Samish, Taeqle, WedgeOfCheese, Calesch
Full list


on 20. October 2024, 00:48 by Samish
Sensationnal puzzle, I found the hybrid ruleset very elegant and I learnt a lot about yajilin and loops

on 15. October 2024, 22:08 by Lucx
Nice! Thank you for this one!

on 20. July 2024, 18:47 by ibag

on 9. June 2024, 01:51 by konklone
Greatly enjoyed this, especially how many times I had to change my thinking along the way. As the other comments said, the finale is really strong, a fun combination of big thinking and paying attention to detail. Thanks for making this!

on 2. June 2024, 12:41 by jessica6
Easy if you find or guess the break-in. From there, progress is nice and the ending is good.

on 1. June 2024, 21:16 by Piatato
Beautiful puzzle, thanks!

on 1. June 2024, 16:44 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful puzzle, a very nice variety of logic used!

on 1. June 2024, 13:21 by Christounet
Very nice once I understood the rules correctly. For future solvers, the rule "Not all of the 12 possible pentomino shapes must be used." must be read as "Not all of the 12 possible pentomino shapes must necessarily be used."
Enjoyed the ending very much too. Thanks :)

on 1. June 2024, 05:13 by Agent
Cool hybrid, interesting how the ending works.

on 1. June 2024, 01:08 by Playmaker6174
I haven't solved a yajilin puzzle in years (since I'm not overly attached to yajilin in general) but this was so much fun!
There was one point near the end that took me a long while to understand but I eventually did so, and that ending afterwards was just wonderful *chef's kiss* x)

on 31. May 2024, 22:22 by Jesper
Really cool puzzle!

on 31. May 2024, 21:58 by Myxo
Incredible puzzle! One of my favourite endings ever :)

Rating:99 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:5 times

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