Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Modular Lots

(Published on 31. May 2024, 00:00 by heliopolix )

This puzzle introduces a new Lots constraint inspired by the Lots invented by 99% Sneaky. The puzzle uses the new constraint to interact with a few common line types.


  • Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Modular Lots: A digit in a teal circle belongs to a modular group ([147], [258], or [369]). The circled digit indicates how many digits from that modular group appear along the attached line.
  • For example: if r2c7 is a 5, then there are five digits from the [258] group on the attached line, including the circled 5.
  • Zipper Lines: Digits an equal distance from the center of a hollow lavender line sum to the same total. For odd-length lines, the total is the digit placed in the line's center. Digits may repeat on a line, if allowed by other rules.
  • German Whisper: Adjacent digits on a green line must have a difference of at least five.
  • Renban: Digits placed on purple lines must be a non-repeating set of consecutive digits, in any order.

Streamers have permission to use this puzzle.

Play in SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on -

Solved by SKORP17, tiuhto, NRB, fstilus, sanabas, timotab, Bellsita, seanshu98, liushong, Montinox, Kallor, Bjd, Scojo, Sinuit, MalkoMann2, MontyPython'sHolyAle, unlogical, achim-t, Snookerfan, agvard, Raywen, ... LeLoyJenkins, atomvic, Lithusei, Shumpo, joelth, Madoka42, BogiYerra, ThymePass, geronimo92, elnahal, cybers, Uhu, dingledork, Calesch, NeroChaos, Fenn, ChinStrap, vmirandaa, Sewerin, PippoForte
Full list


on 11. June 2024, 22:21 by ThymePass
Clever mechanic and a smooth solve. Thanks, Helio :)

on 31. May 2024, 16:29 by 99%Sneaky
Many Outstanding Deductions Using Lots And Reasoning!

on 31. May 2024, 15:34 by gdc
very nice introduction into the "lots" constraint. Loved how bouncy the long zipper line becomes during the mid-solve.

on 31. May 2024, 15:24 by horseradish1
I'll be honest. I actually don't know how I managed some of the logical leaps involved in some of those lines, but my solve happened far faster than my active thought process, which goes to show how well you set this puzzle. Well done.

on 31. May 2024, 13:58 by vitaminz
Really incredible and approachable puzzle

on 31. May 2024, 10:17 by Sinuit
Very nice ruleset!
Exactly the right difficulty to get familiar with the new constraint and still show the power of the different interactions with the lines.
Thanks a lot for sharing!

on 31. May 2024, 03:18 by timotab
Super fun puzzle

on 31. May 2024, 02:47 by sanabas
very easy, quick & fun, good intro to the ruleset.

on 31. May 2024, 01:14 by NRB
That moment when you find the break and suddenly it all topples in a beautiful fashion. Loved this, the challenge was sufficient and the reward was very satisfying

Rating:96 %
Solved:94 times
Observed:12 times

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