Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 27. May 2024, 02:11 by zetamath)

[This puzzle was created with the friends in my stream. Thanks for your help everyone! You can find a VOD of its creation here ]

Normal sudoku rules apply. Additionally, in this puzzle digits cannot repeat on lines, even though that is not part of the standard rules for these constraints. The line types are described below:

Ten Lines (TEN): Digits along gray lines must be broken into one or more contiguous groups of cells that add to ten. Such groups cannot overlap. Digits may repeat within such sums if allowed by other rules. For example, 71246 is a valid fill for a length 5 line, because it can be broken into 712 and 46, each of which sum to 10.

German Whispers (GW): Along green lines, adjacent digits must differ by at least 5.

Region Sum Lines (RSL): Blue lines in the grid are Region Sum Lines. The sum of digits on the line is the same within each box.

Double Arrows (DA): The sum of the digits along a line connecting two circles is equal to the sum of the digits in the circles. In this puzzle, digits can't repeat in any of the 5 cells in the double arrow.

Modular Lines (MOD): Any three adjacent digits along a teal line must include one digit from 147, one from 258, and one from 369.

Entropic Lines (ENT): Any three adjacent digits along a peach line must include one digit from 123, one from 456, and one from 789.

Parity Lines (PAR): Along red lines, digits must strictly alternate between odd and even.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

This puzzle is available on Sudokupad.

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles three days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Solution code: Row 8

Last changed on on 27. May 2024, 18:24

Solved by Koalagator2, twototenth, MicroStudy, jkuo7, rameshsrivats, mihel111, Piatato, Niverio, SKORP17, anyeyeball, wand, deltameth, antiknight, Mr_tn, sarabtx, Dag H, killer_rectangle, Calvinball, koiking, ... dpatti, dustpan, Semla, misko, valle1124, jalebc, nurhayatonem, QuiltyAsCharged, Illuminated, Leilalu222, joelth, OuyangZheng, Krisonium, FifthWorld, michaal94, mcs131313, PippoForte, Bobbobert
Full list


on 3. June 2024, 16:46 by OGRussHood
Another brilliant construction from Zetamath. Of course, I'm part of the Zetamath coterie, so my opinion is slightly biased.

on 28. May 2024, 07:23 by ccotreau
A very nice puzzle and love the various constraints

on 28. May 2024, 01:03 by Agent
Nice and easy, thanks!

on 27. May 2024, 19:46 by antiknight
Cool break-in

on 27. May 2024, 18:24 by zetamath
As Piatato pointed out my default ten lines example repeated digits, and that didn't make much sense for this puzzle, so I changed the example.

on 27. May 2024, 12:40 by Niverio
Very nice puzzle! The interactions were pretty clean. However I found this a bit harder than 3 stars, would lean closer to 4. Although that may just be me being blind :P

on 27. May 2024, 11:58 by Piatato
Very nice interactions, thanks!

on 27. May 2024, 10:57 by rameshsrivats
A thing of beauty and joy as always

Rating:94 %
Solved:103 times
Observed:14 times

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