Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Crabulous Frustacean

(Published on 26. May 2024, 22:45 by Mr Toffee)

Normal sudoku


(O) Bulbs ≤ Tips ( I )

Digits mustn't decrease along thermometers from bulb to tip.

Where flows meet, flow must be determined.

There is only one solution.

A hint can be found on the Sudokupad link.

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Solution code: R1 left to right

Solved by SKORP17, alexsmart, kkli, sanabas, flaemmchen, bansalsaab, Banana, rcg, zrbakhtiar, jalebc, jerricanary
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Last changed on 27. May 2024, 05:52

on 27. May 2024, 05:51 by sanabas
This has 4 valid solutions. First 75% of the puzzle is very easy, last 25% uses much longer chains to find contradictions that remove options.

If the r5c6/r4c7/r3c8 segment flows in one direction, there is a single solution. If it flows in the other direction, there are 4 valid solutions.

So it appears the intended path is to use a uniqueness argument to determine which way that segment flows.

Solved:11 times
Observed:6 times

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