Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mystery Prime Cages 6x6

(Published on 22. May 2024, 20:26 by Qodec)

This puzzle was directly inspired by Shintaro Fushida-Hardy's beautiful little masterpiece that appeared on Cracking the Cryptic 10 days ago. If you trust me, the YouTube video ID is ifaqLKkrXLc, and if you don't, the video's title is "Reddit Recommended This Puzzle..."

  • Latin square: Each row and column contains the digits from 1 to 6 once each.
  • Mystery prime cages: An area surrounded by a dashed line is a cage. The digits in each cage sum to a prime number, but no two cages sum to the same prime. Digits in a cage MAY repeat.

You can play this puzzle online using Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/jko1vcklvz


Solution code: Columns 2 and 5. I.e. the 6 digits in column 2 from top to bottom, followed by the 6 digits in column 5 from top to bottom, for example: 1234512345

Solved by Piatato, ashisstuff, lmdemasi, Yawnus, Onyx, Gilliatt, LuanMerlin, palpot, Steven R, killer_rectangle, mjoyce78, SPring, hoopsie, avishai, gynu, EFlatMinor, TNGuy, farodin64, liushong, Lozzo, Sonki, ... DavidH, dpatti, ComplexBeaver, Elliptical, CHalb, catastrofeline, Leilalu222, Uhu, widjo, redfoot, QuiltyAsCharged, swnlmd, michaal94, 999ARMEN999, OJFresh, Toren, lpq29743, geronimo92, diziet, dpsy
Full list


on 29. May 2024, 14:21 by DK_48
Wirklich schön! Danke.

on 25. May 2024, 23:47 by Ragna
Ein wunderschönes Puzzle! Mathematik plus Sudoku, genau mein Geschmack. Danke für deine Zeit.

on 25. May 2024, 22:50 by Perladel
Really really fun and approachable

on 25. May 2024, 00:10 by Playmaker6174
Neat setting! Very well chosen placement of the cages for the break-in there! :)

on 24. May 2024, 13:48 by OGRussHood
A prime quality 6x6, and I expect nothing less from a genius like Qodec.

on 24. May 2024, 03:07 by Pedro Levi
Very nice!

on 24. May 2024, 01:07 by only1evenprime
Thank you. Love these types of puzzles!

on 23. May 2024, 11:57 by Montikulum
A gem!

on 23. May 2024, 11:33 by GeorgeTheToad2
Very clever. Thank you.

on 22. May 2024, 21:04 by Piatato
Sweet little treat, thanks!

Rating:95 %
Solved:156 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Latin Square

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