May the twenty-fourth be with you...
(Published on 24. May 2024, 13:40 by Mr Toffee)
Normal sudoku
(O) Bulbs ≤ Tips ( I )
Digits mustn't decrease along thermometers from bulb to tip.
The Diamond indicates a multi-tip
The triangle is a valve.
Flows flow like mercury from bulbs, through valves, to tips.
(O) Bulbs ≤ Valves ≤ Tips ( I )
(The display puzzle does not have a valve deliberately.)
The purpose of valves is up for debate.
In this instance, without the valve, the puzzle isn't broken, per se, but...
...the wrong bifurcation chain could have ±30 digits, ish, before the puzzle breaks.
Some might very well say that this is too much.
Some may say it could be more.
It is certainly a lot of wasted eraser rubber.
Here are playing options.
Try the puzzle without the valve here
Try the puzzle with the valve here (recommended)
Please leave a comment if you tried both, or either, would love to hear your thoughts.
Solution code: R1 left to right
Last changed on -
Solved by pigeon, Greg, SKORP17, Mip, NineK, kkli, NewToThis, jhsa, jerricanary, GorgeousNicko, teuthida, PinkNickels, lindae, Karitsu, Crul, bpcobra96, josemadre, zrbakhtiar, jhuijts, zhangjinyang, Montikulum, rcg, jalebc, Onyx, ManuH, cozoq, BBoris, Uhu, timww572, godofthunder
Last changed on 28. May 2024, 20:03on 27. May 2024, 19:23 by chain.reader
*scratches head*
errrr, two restarts and I end up with a 9 at r2c8.
welp, I'll give it another shot later...
3rd time, same result, lol. I'm stuck with this one.
on 25. May 2024, 18:15 by Karitsu
I managed to break it and restart a couple of times, but not because of the presence or absence of the valve. Mostly, I think, because slow thermo breaks my brain. The time I didn’t break it, it had a good flow and a was a very fun solve! Loved the BB-8 setting :)
on 25. May 2024, 16:08 by Karitsu
I managed to break it and restart a couple of times, but not because of the presence or absence of the valve. Mostly, I think, because slow thermo breaks my brain. The time I didn’t break it, it had a good flow and a was a very fun solve! Loved the BB-8 setting :)