Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Into the Dungeon 3

(Published on 20. May 2024, 16:26 by Corvin)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Help the hero on his quest to conquer all dungeons and defeat the final boss!

Draw an orthogonal path that doesn't fork. It starts at the green circle and ends at the boss with the digit 9. If a part of the path is not in a dungeon that part is not allowed to touch another part of itself orthogonally that's also outside of a dungeon.

Dungeons (Killer Cages): Cages are dungeons and digits inside sum to the value shown in the upper left corner of the cage (if given) and do not repeat inside the cage. The hero must traverse the dungeon completely before exiting. The last cell the hero touches is the boss. The boss is the highest digit in the dungeon. Each boss is a unique digit.

Kropki Dot: Digits joined by a white dot are consecutive.

Odd/Even: Cells containing a gray square are even, cells containing a gray circle are odd. The hero can't cross over those cells and the digit inside shows the number of adjacent (orthogonal/diagonal) cells that are outside a dungeon on the heroes path.

Play on SudokuPad by Sven Neumann

Solution code: The digits in row 6 not on the path, left to right

Solved by Banana, Nylimb, 9Rookienumbers, SirMoose, sanabas, Smartacus, revpeter, Titonious, Maxima, styngerr, EFlatMinor, SPring, RiGri, vfig, zrbakhtiar, LuanMerlin, AllLemons, Phandor, ManuH, KappuChinooo, stickx, Kriodeco, yidog, Fenn
Full list


on 20. May 2024, 18:41 by 9Rookienumbers
Well set and fun, thanks! This was in the 1.5/2 star range for me.

on 20. May 2024, 18:23 by Nylimb
It took me 65 minutes. But I'm rating it as "average" because much of that time was spent getting used to the ruleset, or being stuck because I was missing something obvious. I never had to bifurcate.
Thanks for the puzzle.

on 20. May 2024, 16:25 by Corvin
I'm trying to get a feel on the difficulty rating of my puzzles, if you solved it please comment how long it took you and the difficulty rating you'd give it. Thanks!

Rating:92 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:11 times

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