NOTE: All my puzzles my be used may be used by streamers/sudoku-tubers; gimme a buzz on Discord and/or leave a comment here if you do! :-)
Sudoku: Normal sudoku rules apply.
Indexing: Digits in column 1 indicate the column in which the digit 1 appears in its row (e.g. if r5c1 is a 3, r5c3 is a 1). Digits in column 9 do the same for the digit 9.
Digits in row 1 indicate the row in which the digit 1 appears in its column (e.g. if r1c5 is a 3, r3c5 is a 1). Digits in row 9 do the same for the digit 9.
Quadruples: Digits in a circle must appear at least once in the surrounding four cells.
Anti-King:Identical digits may not be a chess-king's-move apart.
Solution code: Row 5
on 11. February 2025, 19:29 by nixxo
Despite the title... I forgot the anti-king rule.
It solves regardless anyway. Nice puzzle, congrats.
on 26. June 2024, 22:49 by WvdWest
Nice puzzle. Fluid solve.
on 19. May 2024, 00:27 by Fisherman
A job very well done.