Create two orthogonal non-overlapping, non-crossing snakes connecting the colored cells (i.e. one snake connecting the purple cells and one snake connecting the green cells). The snakes may not touch themselves, even diagonally, but they may touch each other. One snake contains either all high digits (6,7,8,9) or all low digits (1,2,3,4), and the other snake contains either all odd digits or all even digits. No snake may enter a cell with a gray circle.
Digits in gray circles must be odd.
Digits Separated by an “X” must sum to 10, digits separated by a “V” must sum to 5.
Digits Separated by a white dot must be consecutive, digits separated by a black dot must have a 2:1 ratio.
Digits cannot repeat along the negative diagonal.
Feedback is more than welcome!
Solution code: Row 3 (no spaces)
on 24. May 2024, 02:13 by uvo_mod
Sudoku tag added.
on 18. May 2024, 05:33 by rameshsrivats
Very nice puzzle. Thanks.