Solution code: Row 3, Column 2
on 11. December 2024, 19:42 by skuntsel
A very interesting idea of disconected regions and a fluid solve path. Highly recommended!
on 11. July 2024, 09:15 by Jackson Philion
Crazy cool puzzle! Still fondly remember the logic even a month after solving – so it made an impression!
on 11. June 2024, 20:51 by arrrgh
really, really nice
on 10. June 2024, 22:46 by DavidH
Cool puzzle. The diagonally-connected regions are very interesting and forced me to un-learn everything I thought I knew about chaos construction. Surprised at how few clues were necessary to fully constrain the grid.
on 20. May 2024, 19:39 by ibag
A nice appetizer!
on 20. May 2024, 07:55 by juhish
@zrbakhtiar Simon did this
on 18. May 2024, 13:20 by Silverbyte
Great ruleset. Great deductions. This is just an excellent puzzle.
on 18. May 2024, 04:13 by jinkela114514
Will the main puzzle's size be 8x8 or 9x9?
on 18. May 2024, 03:06 by zzw
Amazing! Super cool how little information is needed to resolve everything, with a great flow along the way.
on 17. May 2024, 17:00 by Myxo
on 17. May 2024, 15:56 by Agent
Fun snack!
on 17. May 2024, 15:10 by bee
@Arabus the red X means that the number in that cell represents the number of orthogonally connected cells in that part of the region. For example, if you have a 5 in a cell with an X, then that cell is in a region with 5 orthogonally connected cells and the sixth cell will be connected to them only diagonally.
on 17. May 2024, 12:18 by Arabus
i don't understand the x clues.
X indicate the number of cells of their respective sections (i.e. max 6). I'm guessing the X represent a unkown number 1-6. Are all x the same number? If not i don't see what the last rule does :)
on 17. May 2024, 06:23 by Mr. Happy
This was delightful!
on 17. May 2024, 04:05 by cam
Truthfully I was a little skeptical about the diagonal disconnects, but this was amazing! I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Thanks for the puzzle. It was awesome :)
on 16. May 2024, 23:22 by Piatato
Cool ruleset and a fun puzzle!
on 16. May 2024, 23:01 by Playmaker6174
Very interesting concept, I'm kind of excited for the bigger size!
I actually wonder how many times you broke this one while setting because of how absurdly strong the negative constraint is x)
on 16. May 2024, 22:58 by madhupt
A fantastic puzzle that really made great use of the negative constraint. Shudder to think of the 9x9 version. Thanks a lot for sharing.
on 16. May 2024, 22:22 by TheRiddler
Wow! Very cool puzzle!!!
on 16. May 2024, 17:02 by dmgciubotaru
such an amazing puzzle, loved the way regions and x clue interacts
on 16. May 2024, 16:02 by elNubNub
Oh, I get it now, thanks
on 16. May 2024, 15:52 by samuel1997
@elNubNub, in this puzzle, a group of orthogonally connected cells belonging to the same region form a "section", and a 6-cell region consists of 1 or more diagonally connected sections. In extreme case, those 6 cells in a region could be all connected diagonally and each section would have a size 1.
on 16. May 2024, 15:41 by samuel1997
Fascinating idea! Thanks for constructing it!
on 16. May 2024, 15:32 by elNubNub
The word "section" in the second bullet point. Does it mean the cells that are orthogonally connected to the region ? Or something else ?
on 16. May 2024, 15:11 by KNT
@elNubNub: If you don’t understand something, please be specific. Otherwise no one will be able to help you.
on 16. May 2024, 14:58 by elNubNub
The wording section is not defined, and after 15 minutes of reading and trying, i can't figure it out
on 16. May 2024, 13:17 by Snookerfan
Brilliant ruleset and puzzle! Thank you
on 16. May 2024, 13:05 by Perladel
This was really fun!
I loved every deduction
on 16. May 2024, 10:16 by Jesper
Awesome, looking forward to 9x9 :)
on 16. May 2024, 09:37 by Christounet
Promising ruleset :)
on 16. May 2024, 05:42 by vfig
a lot more intricate logic than a 6x6 usually has! lovely ruleset.
on 16. May 2024, 03:39 by Silverscree
My poor brain! Trained as it is to "squeeze" regions through small gaps and trace paths through mazes. Some excellent, and very fresh logic in this puzzle. Thanks KNT! I dread the 9x9 version that I suspect will appear eventually...
on 16. May 2024, 01:37 by dumediat
Phenomenal, as always!
on 16. May 2024, 00:51 by tallcat
Really nice! Enjoyed this immensely but, as with others, I await a 9 x 9 with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.
on 16. May 2024, 00:25 by MicroStudy
i am scared of a 9x9 of this D:
on 15. May 2024, 23:54 by Niverio
Im kind of scared of a 9x9 of this :p
on 15. May 2024, 23:52 by MagnusJosefsson
Wonderful really original ruleset, very much looking forward to a larger version :)!
on 15. May 2024, 21:44 by marcmees
Nice ruleset. Thanks for the puzzle.It definitely feels like more is coming.
on 15. May 2024, 20:56 by KNT
@ONeill hopefully I get a 9x9 working soon :)
on 15. May 2024, 20:53 by ONeill
Nice ruleset and a fun, easy (warm-up?) puzzle :)
on 15. May 2024, 20:31 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Intricate and fun to solve - thanks :-)
on 15. May 2024, 20:16 by wooferzfg
Lots of logic for a 6x6. I like the rules a lot - looking forward to a larger puzzle like this
Difficulty: | ![]() |
Rating: | 98 % |
Solved: | 172 times |
Observed: | 16 times |
ID: | 000I3B |