Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Little Killer's Riddle

(Published on 15. May 2024, 16:53 by wuc)

Standard sudoku rules apply: The digits 1 through 9 appear in every row, column, and box.

XV-Dominos: Cells separated by an X must sum to 10. Cells separated by a V must sum to 5. Not all Xs and Vs are necessarily given (no negative constraint).

Little Killers: Clues outside the grid are the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat if allowed by other rules.

play on sudokupad

Solve by Sudoku Sleuth

Solution code: Row 5 left to right

Last changed on on 30. June 2024, 14:12

Solved by Piff, mutex, stonetim, SKORP17, mcc, jalebc, ludvigr04, hige, 9Rookienumbers, styngerr, Alce, MB_Cyclist, PinkNickels, NineK, davidjshort, fuxia, Iluvsodah, Konzert, brandon_bot, Raistlen, farodin64, ... hurrynot, Drawoon, bielaczek, zZype, masonreloaded, 0203017, MoHaMeD05, unlogical, koiking, derwolf23, Krisonium, vtable, Saskia11, dielilla, Juanfox, xtmacxattack, Spooof, johnreid, DutchMark
Full list


on 18. August 2024, 15:29 by permafrostyx

on 30. June 2024, 14:12 by wuc
Added featured video link. Thanks for solving my puzzle.

on 18. May 2024, 16:04 by watertissue
Fun and chill

on 18. May 2024, 00:41 by sacklunch
Great puzzle! Tough but fun. Felt more like a 2 or 3 star to me. Really enjoyable, thanks!

on 17. May 2024, 12:48 by Something Wellesian
This felt like a 1-star to me, albeit on the hard side. I really enjoyed it though. Managed to find the wrong unique solution based on a miscalculation of the 39 diagonal, and it took me a good while to figure out what the problem was!

on 16. May 2024, 22:27 by sujoyku
Thank you for this fantastic puzzle, wuc! I agree with Karitsu's hidden comment: The puzzle felt a lot harder than 1 star. Thus I have given 3 stars for difficulty. In any case, all the deductions felt very rewarding. Superb setting!

on 16. May 2024, 08:07 by wuc
For a couple of multistep deductions (e.g. the one pointed out by Karitsu) I though it might be a 2 star. At least 1.5 star.

on 16. May 2024, 04:01 by frosto
I'm sure I missed something, I struggled a bit with this one.
still quite enjoyable.

on 16. May 2024, 02:16 by Steven666v2
Probably my favourite 1 star puzzle so far!

on 15. May 2024, 23:39 by Steven666v2
Probably my favourite 1 star puzzle so far!

on 15. May 2024, 19:39 by PinkNickels
Pleasant solve! Thanks for sharing.

Rating:93 %
Solved:205 times
Observed:12 times

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