The Sudoku digits are throwing a party! And it's getting very crowded on the dance grid!
Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
At this party, 1s and 6s form couples, and they always want to stick together, so wherever one of them is present on the dance grid, the other must be orthogonally adjacent to it. The same is true for 2s and 5s.
3s and 4s, however, are more introverted. They are fine with each other, but would prefer to stay away from digits close to them. In that sense, 3s must never be orthogonally adjacent to 2s, and the same goes for 4s and 5s.
Additionally, the cell marked with a star is the life of the party, and must be higher in value than any cell orthogonally adjacent to it.
Solution code: Row 4
on 11. May 2024, 05:58 by Montikulum
Very cute idea
on 8. May 2024, 17:50 by 28righthand
Interesting ruleset :)