Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Two Colour Theorem

(Published on 8. May 2024, 15:22 by FullDeck-Missing)

A collaboration between Blobz, FullDeck, Missing a Few Cards, and Ms. Blobz. Those who are familiar with Yin-Yang Sight Lines will probably find this to be on the easy side. Those who are not will probably find this to be ... less easy.

Normal sudoku rules: Every row, column, and box must contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.

Yin-Yang: Shade cells using two colours such that each colour forms an orthogonally connected region, and no 2x2 area is a single colour.

Sight Lines: Digits in caged cells indicate how many cells of the same colour are seen orthogonally from that position, including itself. The other colour blocks vision.

Region Sum Lines: Box borders divide blue lines into segments with the same sum. Along lines, colours must change at box boundaries and may not change within the box. The intersecting lines at R34C89 each continue straight and do not branch.

Try the puzzle on the SudokuPad app by Sven Neumann.

Other Puzzles in Blobz's Yin-Yang Sightline Series
Other Puzzles by FullDeck and Missing a Few Cards

Solution code: Row 6, left to right, 9 digits no spaces.

Last changed on on 9. May 2024, 00:53

Solved by chippers, LehanLehan, damo_89, teuthida, mcc, sarabtx, killer_rectangle, ashisstuff, MicroStudy, Vaurien, timotab, jkuo7, abadx, fuxia, aakas, lwhjp, Jesper, Janik7777, dmgciubotaru, Starlight, ... ZornsLemon, arteful, mayflower, atomvic, lune, Allagem, snowyegret, BabyfacedBard, unlogical, by81996672, Tommymanners, Uhu, karlmortenlunna, ViKingPrime, Fisherman, OGRussHood, Marcus
Full list


on 4. August 2024, 15:26 by Cosinus
Beautiful. Love, how you always have to take care on all the different rules!

on 14. July 2024, 04:57 by sahi1l
That was a very nice solve. I love it when yin-yang is integrated so nicely into the rest of the puzzle; it felt like all the different pieces were working together to help me solve it.

on 26. June 2024, 02:28 by virus_dave
Wow, this one was a LOT of fun to solve. Had to keep switching between "modes of thinking" to see how the different constraints were interacting. Very cool!

on 13. May 2024, 16:57 by koba1917
really fun puzzle, thanks!

on 9. May 2024, 05:07 by timotab
Fun puzzle!

on 9. May 2024, 00:52 by FullDeck-Missing
Added links to additional puzzles.

on 8. May 2024, 18:39 by Blobz
This was such a fun puzzle to collaborate on. Thanks for posting it!

Rating:95 %
Solved:105 times
Observed:16 times

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