An idea I came up with while watching the solar eclipse last month. Enjoy!
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Draw a loop of orthogonally connected cells (the sun loop) and a loop of diagonally connected cells (the moon loop). Each loop is one-cell-wide and may not intersect itself or touch itself orthogonally (but may touch itself diagonally). Both loops act as German Whispers lines: adjacent digits on the loop must differ by at least 5.
Every location where the two loops intersect is marked with a sun or moon. A sun indicates that the digit on the moon loop is eclipsed (hidden) by the digit on the sun loop, and a moon indicates that the sun digit is eclipsed by the moon digit. An eclipsed digit must be from 1-9 and strictly lower than the visible digit.
Digits separated by the white dot are consecutive.
Solution code: Row 9
on 11. December 2024, 17:55 by Silverstep
Not many solves on this one because it was featured by Mark on CTC, but it's quite nice. One thing I will say is that it's difficult to notate three layers of stuff on the grid. I settled on line tool for the moon loop, colour tool for the sun loop, and center marks for the high/low.
Final time 01:13:52
on 16. July 2024, 21:36 by heliopolix
Wonderful loop logic!
on 11. July 2024, 09:40 by Jackson Philion
Echoing SudokuHero, every deduction was earned... nothing came too easy with this one. I love puzzles that see you build out snakes or regions yourself, and this one didn't disappoint with two distinct loops to construct. Super cool interplay!
on 10. May 2024, 04:57 by IYD
What an amazing puzzle! Very difficult solve but fascinating logic all the way through.
on 8. May 2024, 16:37 by ArnulfKoch
What a great puzzle. If you're familiar with German Whisper Lines and especially German Whisper Loops, it's not that hard (more average). You never get stuck, but always progress piece by piece. I've marked it as a favorite right away.
on 8. May 2024, 14:02 by ryanprobably
Tough but incredibly satisfying. The ability for moon lines to touch diagonally makes this very tricky
on 7. May 2024, 16:47 by SudokuHero
A little hard to wrap your head around at first, every single deduction was earned. Amazing puzzle.