Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end. Beginning from the top-left corner (R1C1) and N=3, treat the grid as an NxN Latin Square by placing the digits 1-N in those rows and columns without repeats. When complete, erase all digits except N, increment N+1, and repeat the process until N=8. After solving the 8x8 grid, erase all digits except those on the negative (\) diagonal and apply normal sudoku rules.
To illustrate, the first 2 grids would be solved like this:
(3x3 with digits 1-3)
(4x4 with digits 1-4, keep 3s from previous grid)
Solve on sudokupad (with answer check)
Solution code: Row 9
on 4. May 2024, 21:14 by Playmaker6174
A sweet journey throughout! I actually found the 8x8 grid to be pretty smooth like the previous iterations; if anything to say, it did take me quite a while to scan the final sudoku grid there but it's no less fun :)
on 4. May 2024, 07:11 by timotab
Fun puzzle - challenging at times until you spotted just the right bit of logic.
on 4. May 2024, 06:57 by Chezzik
Fun idea! I liked it up until size 8. At that point, bifurcation was necessary.