Disjoint Cages
(Published on 3. May 2024, 23:12 by Tulrak)
- Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and box.
- Disjoint Groups: Cells in the same position relative to their 3x3 box may not contain the same digit. (For example: The cells in the top-left position of the 3x3 boxes such as R1C1, R4C7 and R7C4 may not contain the same digits.)
- Palindrome: The gray line is a palindrome, digits on it read the same in both directions.
- Killer Cages: Digits in a cage must sum to the total in the top-left corner of the cage.
- Sandwich Sums: Clues outside the grid show the sum of the digits between 1 and 9 in that column.
Solve the sudoku here:
Solution code: Row 1 (9 digits, read left-to-right)
Last changed on on 4. May 2024, 04:39
Solved by SKORP17, SudokuHero, CrippledLamp, by81996672, jalebc, flaemmchen, Iluvsodah, Fisherman, brimmy, Bjd, apendleton, mcc, Megalobrainiac, BlitzburghBrian, doomedmageknight, TaeChi, Schesam, RebelSystem, PKMKII, marvellousminty, paranoid, SparklePuzzle, ehnvn, Crul, forsen, mezkur7, lovely, noodlehead, Saskia24, 5h421n, finger, faisalaak, asver, gxorgx, PippoForte, Saskia11
Last changed on 19. May 2024, 22:36on 4. May 2024, 15:06 by Fisherman
Hello pi snake guy, thanks for another beautiful puzzle.