Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yin Yang Fun

(Published on 1. May 2024, 18:14 by wuc)

To make sure this puzzle is great fun, I let you know two useful properties of yin yang puzzles.

  1. A 2x2 square can never contain a checkerboard pattern.
  2. If the outer border contains marked and unmarked cells, all marked border-cells (and therefore also all unmarked border-cells) must be connected.
Have fun. Leave a comment on your impression with the puzzle (I'm a fairly new setter).


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer-Cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the value shown in the upper left corner of the cage.

Ying Yang rules apply: mark some cells, that all marked and unmarked cells form one separate orthogonally connected shape and no 2x2 square is either fully marked or unmarked.

Cells containing circles are all marked and give the number of marked cells in its 3x3 box.

Cells containing squares are all unmarked and give the number of unmarked cells (including itself) that are seen in all of the four orthogonal direction. Marked cells block the view.

The center cell of the puzzle (r5c5) is marked.

play on sudokupad

Solution code: Row 1 left to right

Last changed on on 2. May 2024, 15:50

Solved by killer_rectangle, tobymgk, kublai, sasheo, Baklin, mutex, Hugo-Bob, AltVoid, SKORP17, sarabtx, seeppp, OutOfMyMindBRB, Piff, NRB, yttrio, lianarox, seh_bas, Grey, RubberMittens, br3akingp01nt, ... Kekes, Uhu, owler, MaNCS, Numiez, jordanp301, PippoForte, sigge, okravetz, NotThatKindOfDoctor, yidog, gdc, Geb, Carolin, LeaVulpina, KappuChinooo, johncj, bielaczek, dogfarts, Nagesh, Lodinn, datax
Full list


Last changed on 6. May 2024, 18:19

on 6. May 2024, 18:18 by Chezzik
Starts easy, but requires a fair amount of look-ahead once you get to the half-way point.

I saw no ambiguity in the yin-yang.

on 2. May 2024, 23:38 by chis_r
Fun ruleset! I got stuck for a while about halfway through the solve but managed to get there in the end. Thanks!

on 2. May 2024, 23:05 by Chefofdeath
Really enjoyed this puzzle! Thanks for sharing!

on 2. May 2024, 15:50 by wuc
Clearified the viewing at least in this decription (it there an easy way to change the description in the ctc?)

on 2. May 2024, 15:41 by Montikulum
Regarding the rules for squares you may wish to add for clarity‘s sake that marked cells block the view.

on 2. May 2024, 07:44 by Fizz
Very nice and fun puzzle, thanks!

on 2. May 2024, 06:12 by haligonian
Thanks for setting! That was a fun ruleset.

on 1. May 2024, 22:05 by wuc
You were totally right about the two yin yang solutions. I added a line to the rules that r5c5 is marked. Thanks for the comment. I added the killer cage rule to both descriptions.

Rating:88 %
Solved:94 times
Observed:6 times

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