Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Disjunction Function

(Published on 30. April 2024, 23:20 by Jay Dyer)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits may not repeat in a cage, and each cage sums to one of four distinct totals, which must be determined. Cages that share an edge must have different sums, and no digit may appear in multiple cages with the same sum.

Solve in Sudokupad


Solution code: Column 7.

Solved by ClashCode, MicroStudy, Playmaker6174, Fool on Hill, Da Letter El, SKORP17, killer_rectangle, Jesper, tuturitu, halakani, ONeill, CHRosenthal, Mennoo_, Bjd, Trellyc, Pedro Levi, KNT, SparkNights, ... Illuminated, arauwer, MrQubo, Uhu, laky, SXH, widjo, michaal94, Bankey, misko, darrenfwl, Red Raven, feverlute, ahmadasiabi, Ali M, BlacknWhite, PippoForte, dennischen, DarthParadox, GoldenGod
Full list


Last changed on 29. August 2024, 20:04

on 29. August 2024, 20:03 by Ali M
In terms of enjoyment this puzzle was nothing short of deluxe! I haven't felt this pleased while solving a puzzle for a while now, it was masterfully set! I'd put off attempting this one for a while because I knew I'd need a pen and paper for it, finally got round to it today and it was worth the wait. Thank you for setting :)

on 21. July 2024, 16:09 by Bankey
Had abandoned this halfway on an earlier attempt but the perseverance this time paid off!! So many aha moments of realisation in this work of art. Thanks foe setting and sharing, @ Jay Dyer :).

on 29. May 2024, 22:53 by DavidH
Incredible. I really enjoyed this one. I did have to break out some scratch paper to keep up with all the numbers.

on 10. May 2024, 09:25 by Crusader175
Very nice!

on 4. May 2024, 05:24 by kevinlimanta
This was very fun to solve.

on 4. May 2024, 01:23 by GeorgeTheToad2
What a construction! Lots of maths, loads of fun and not to difficult. Enjoyed every minute. Thanks for sharing.

on 3. May 2024, 23:19 by marcmees
Amazing puzzle. Thanks for sharing this beauty.

on 3. May 2024, 04:05 by Agent

on 3. May 2024, 03:37 by Chezzik
I really struggled with this, but all the steps were fair. It's an absolutely incredible puzzle, and I'm extremely pleased with myself for solving it!

The only reason I stuck with it for hours is because I was determined to see how it was possible. And it didn't disappoint!

on 2. May 2024, 22:58 by ademjaz

on 2. May 2024, 21:37 by Pedro Levi
Awesome puzzle! Especially loved how the *SPOILER* cages acted in column 7.

on 2. May 2024, 09:32 by econtrout
Amazing puzzle. Hard but so rewarding when it gives up its secret. Thx.

on 2. May 2024, 04:44 by konklone
I'm so proud of myself for solving this. Thanks for setting it so I could have that feeling. =)

on 2. May 2024, 03:28 by SudokuHero
Struggled a little at first, but once I saw that break in, it was breathtaking.

on 2. May 2024, 00:32 by shteev

on 2. May 2024, 00:05 by samuel1997
I absolutely love this puzzle! The way to discover the 4 distinct sums is so unusual and yet brilliant! Thank you!

on 1. May 2024, 23:39 by emoney13
Great puzzle! Smooth logic from start to finish!

on 1. May 2024, 18:16 by bansalsaab

on 1. May 2024, 13:02 by ONeill
Very nice puzzle!

on 1. May 2024, 00:52 by Fool on Hill
Beautiful puzzle - looks and feels impossible, then hard and barely believable - and then I gradually uncovered the beautifully clean logic hidden amongst those cages.

Last changed on 1. May 2024, 00:31

on 1. May 2024, 00:30 by Playmaker6174
Quite a wonderful arithmetic blast of a puzzle there Jay! :)
It's also pretty intricate to grasp the ideas in the first half at first, and determining the totals finally was the sweetest part there. If anything, the clustered area of the two cells cages in boxes 2 and 3 was my favorite bit :)

on 1. May 2024, 00:28 by MicroStudy
this is possibly the cleanest and most intricately set execution of this ruleset i will ever see

Rating:98 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:12 times

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