Not nice at all (fog)
(Published on 28. April 2024, 18:07 by SudokuFan)
- Almost normal 8x8 Sudoku rules apply: place a digit from 1-9 in every cell so that in each box, row, and column digits don't repeat, however in each box, row, and column one digit will not fit and is to be left out. Which digit is left out can vary between rows, columns, and boxes and must be determined by the solver.
- Fog: The grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits (without guessing!) will clear the fog from the surrounding cells, potentially revealing more clues.
- Not nice at all: There are be no instances of the number 69 that could be read orthogonally (from left to right or top to bottom) in the grid. 96s are allowed.
- White dots: cells joined by a white dot are consecutive.
- German Whispers: adjacent digits along a green line must differ by at least 5
- Renban: Digits along a purple line must form a non-repeating consecutive set of digits in any order. Renban lines do not branch or share cells with other renban lines, but may share cells with non-renban lines.
- Nabner: Digits do not repeat along gold nabner lines. Additionally, no pair of digits anywhere on a nabner line can be consecutive.
Play in SudokuPad
Solution code: The bottom row, left to right (only 8 digits this time)
Solved by SudokuHero, wentel21, keesh, agueybana, Chefofdeath, SKORP17, kublai, seeppp, CrippledLamp, Smartacus, jalebc, halakani, NineK, forsen, nmmc123, efnenu, Greg, RootsInWermland, RedBarchetta, sarabtx, ... PinkNickels, atomvic, Supertaster, PippoForte, Dez256, softie, Cezarr, Javier Rebottaro, kapostolou, achambers2010, koiking, antzervos, JoBerlin, bilms, Crabbsy Malone, pigeonsteps, Cyan5967
on 16. August 2024, 10:49 by xbw_________
The process of reasoning is very interesting.
but it would be better if Sudoku had only one solution.
on 14. June 2024, 17:48 by maiaz
on 15. May 2024, 01:08 by Geb
I didn't even know you could make sudokupad do that. Certainly a surprise.
on 30. April 2024, 18:48 by Phire
Not sure how i feel about the ending but up to there it was very nice
on 29. April 2024, 03:42 by Ratfinkz
Thanks for the chuckle!
on 28. April 2024, 19:27 by halakani
I just got the joke