Normal sudoku rules apply.
German whispers: Adjacent whispers on a green line must have a difference of at least 5.
Loop: Draw a 1-cell wide loop of orthogonal cells. The loop may not touch itself (not even diagonally).
Circles/squares/diamonds: Circles are on the loop, squares are outside the loop, and diamonds are inside the loop. A digit in one of these shapes counts how many cells of the same type (loop/outside/inside) it sees in the row and column, including itself. The other types block vision.
Consecutive sum segments: The box borders divide the loop into segments. If the loop enters the same box multiple times, these are counted as separate segments. The sums of these segments forms a consecutive sequence of values, which can appear in any order along the loop.
CtC App: Link
F-puzzles: Link
Solution code: Column 7
on 23. June 2024, 23:35 by peacherwu2
Wow! How can I miss a beauty like this!!! Thank you so much!
on 30. April 2024, 16:25 by sasheo
What a pleasant way to get a headache!
There's a fine line between fun and madness and that puzzle has a loop!
Reply: Thanks for doing the puzzle! If you're looking for an easier puzzle variant with a similar idea, try my newer puzzle, Killer Snakeban!
on 27. April 2024, 04:16 by bansalsaab
Amazing puzzle.
Reply: Thank you!