Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ready or not (Killer sudoku)

(Published on 26. April 2024, 18:33 by sujoyku)

Here is a classic killer sudoku with a diagonal constraint. The title has no deeper meaning than me finding it somehow fitting and liking the Fugees song. The estimated difficulty is 3.5 stars. Please feel free to write in the comments what you think and how you liked the puzzle. I wish you joyful solving!

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Diagonal: On the positive diagonal digits do not repeat.

- Killer cages: Digits in a cage sum to the clue in the top left.

Here you can solve the puzzle online:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CtC

Solution code: Row 6 from left to right (9 digits in total)

Solved by SKORP17, henter, PinkNickels, DerRiese, jalebc, Da Letter El, Piatato, aakas, pepe74287, Bjd, Iluvsodah, yanggang, SXH, pkratz22, deltameth, BlackWolf, ficko, jwsinclair, tuckerbucket, JohnDoeJersey, ... valle1124, lovely, zrbakhtiar, MysticMan, creo, mezkur7, strangelyinsane, jnmh, joelth, asver, feverlute, Lovejoy , deangaudet, diziet, PippoForte, Saskia11, Lenivaya_Joppa, johnreid, forsen, tuoni2
Full list


Last changed on 4. December 2024, 10:27

on 4. December 2024, 00:21 by Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this nice puzzle, dear sujoyku! :)

Thank you for your comment, Lenivaya_Joppa! I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

on 19. July 2024, 18:29 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/gxd0afnq45

Last changed on 13. May 2024, 11:06

on 12. May 2024, 19:05 by dendrobium
Very elegant puzzle! This was a pretty tough one for me. Took me an hour to see the break in and place my first digit.

Thank you for your comment, dendrobium, and congratulations on the solve! In my opinion, the tough thing about the break-in is to spot the interaction of the "right" cages. It is nice to hear that you liked the puzzle and found it to be elegant.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 28. April 2024, 21:45

on 28. April 2024, 19:30 by BHUNTER47
Very nice construction! Took me about 30 minutes overall once I clued in on two specific cages as a break in and then worked out the layout of a third cage.

Thank you for your comment, BHUNTER47, and congratulations on the solve! I am glad that you liked the construction.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 27. April 2024, 14:37

on 27. April 2024, 14:34 by Ragna
Das hat viel Spaß gemacht! Sehr "hart am Wind" kalkuliert! Vielen Dank für das schöne Rätsel. :-)

Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar, Ragna! Es freut mich, dass Dir das Rätsel Spaß gemacht hat.
Viele Grüße, sujoyku

Last changed on 27. April 2024, 14:15

on 27. April 2024, 14:12 by BenTen
This is a beautiful creation with very clever logic. Took me 42 minutes to place my first digit - I found it quite tough! - but i got there in the end!

Thank you for your comment, BenTen, and congratulations on the solve! I am glad that you liked the puzzle. Regarding difficulty, I agree that the puzzle should be on the tougher side of 3 stars.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 26. April 2024, 21:59

on 26. April 2024, 21:55 by yanggang
Woah! A lot of tricky math and clever logic culminate in a staggering adventure of a puzzle! I made a few incorrect deductions that lent themselves to a very hard solve. Congrats!

Thank you for your comment, yanggang, congratulations on the solve! There definitely is a little bit of math/calculation involved. I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 26. April 2024, 21:17

on 26. April 2024, 20:19 by PinkNickels
Gonna finnnnnd you, and take it slowly!

Thank you for commenting, PinkNickels! Give it up for the Fugees! :)
Kind regards, sujoyku

Rating:94 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:13 times

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