Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Town Planning (Kropki Skyscraper Sudoku)

(Published on 24. April 2024, 21:02 by RobK)

What else would I do in the immediate run-up to my wedding, other than stress-set my first puzzle for over two years?
Solve on Penpa

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Normal kropki rules apply: Digits separated by a white dot differ by 1. Digits separated by a black dot mean one is twice the other.
Normal skyscraper rules apply: Numbers in the grid represent the heights of skyscrapers, and digits outside the grid (to be found by the solver) indicate the number of skyscrapers visible in that row or column, looking in that direction.
Digits cannot repeat within the same cage.
Thanks to Henry 'Pi' James and Garford for testing.

Good luck and happy solving!

Solution code: Row 8, then column 8. 18 digits, no spaces.

Last changed on on 24. April 2024, 22:16

Solved by Steven R, OutOfMyMindBRB, ONeill, by81996672, ZMAOMAO, marcmees, peterkp, SKORP17, Calesch, StefanSch, KlausRG, SuWi, SparklePuzzle, IGoUnseen, Statistica
Full list


on 26. April 2024, 15:04 by StefanSch
Nice (but probably more than 3 stars).

on 24. April 2024, 22:16 by RobK
Added puzzle type description to title

Rating:88 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:12 times

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