Count Your Lucky Stars
(Published on 24. April 2024, 18:15 by ViKingPrime)
Schrödinger rules apply
i.e. place the digits 0 through 9 once each in every row, column and box;
two of the digits will have to share a Schrödinger Cell;
each row, column and box contains exactly one Schrödinger Cell).
German Whisper (
Little Killer,
Quad and
Renban (
pink) rules apply
clues consider the sum value of digits within a cell).
There are coloured
Counting Stars within the grid; the value of these cells reflect certain qualities of the grid.
Black Star (Box 4)
Counts the total no. of digits within Killer cages
Pink Star (Box 7)
Counts the total no. of digits appearing on Renbans
Green Star (Box 2)
Counts the total no. of digits on German Whisper lines
Orange Star (Box 5)
Counts the total no. of digits appearing in Counting Stars
Blue Star (Box 8)
Counts the total no. of digits appearing on Arrows (including the bulbs)
Grey Star (Box 3)
Counts the total no. of digits surrounding the Quad clue
Red Star (Box 6)
Counts the total sum of all digits within Schrödinger cells.
I bet when you read the part about Schrödinger cells, your heart sank a little, didn't it? and then all this counting nonsense?
I promise there's nothing to fear... it's your lucky day!
Have fun!
Solve in SudokuMaker!
Solve in SudokuPad!
Solve in SudokuMaker! (with labelled cells)
Solve in SudokuPad! (with labelled cells)
Solution code: The digits along Row 4, left-to-right (digits in Schrödinger cells are read lowest-to-highest).
Last changed on on 30. April 2024, 19:06
Solved by SudokuHero, SKORP17, Puzzle Weasel, Mad-Tyas, gdc, ZornsLemon, appletrapezoid, Slink, vitaminz, MartinR, QuiltyAsCharged, zrbakhtiar, Crul, yttrio, ThePedallingPianist, Nell Gwyn, Ratfinkz, karlmortenlunna, johncj, oskode, KyubiBoy, BeeBoi, Findict, Andreas.vm
on 30. April 2024, 19:03 by ViKingPrime
Updated colouring and added labelled version (per suggestion below).
Last changed on 30. April 2024, 19:08on 30. April 2024, 11:06 by MartinR
Very nice break-in.
From a solving point of view, I had to keep flicking back to the rules to see which cells counted which value, not sure if there may be a way to put a background letter/word on thoses cells, or an index below to make it easier to look up/remember?
@MartinR - Done! appreciate the suggestion <3 -- VKP
on 25. April 2024, 16:33 by ViKingPrime
Added small clarification to counting rule(s).
on 25. April 2024, 15:57 by appletrapezoid
Was so confused and stumped for a while then it was so satisfying when finally realizing the break in
on 25. April 2024, 00:47 by ViKingPrime
Updated solution code.
Last changed on 25. April 2024, 23:50on 24. April 2024, 20:14 by Puzzle Weasel
I'm not sure the solution code is clearly explained - I got it to work (after a couple of attempts) by dropping one of the Schrödinger cell digits, so it was a 9 digit code!
@Puzzle Weasel - Whoops! I have indeed updated the solution code to include a tenth digit. Thanks for catching that; hope you liked the puzzle! <3 -- VKP
Great! Thanks for the puzzle, it did make me laugh once I realised the trick :)
on 24. April 2024, 18:59 by SudokuHero
Very approachable for a schrodinger