(Published on 24. April 2024, 15:14 by Sumanta(ANU))
Here is my small tribute puzzle to one of the greatest, finest and inspirational Sudoku setter (Phistomefel).
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, two marked diagonals do not contain repeated digits.
Killer cages: The sum of the digits in each cage is given at the corner of the respective cages. Note that the cage total in box-1 is 25 and in box-9 the total is 14.
A digit in a circle indicates the number of times it appears in the circles
Inequality symbols point toward lower of the two digits (7>2)
f-puzzle link:
f-puzzle (Twinkle)
CTC link:
CTC (Twinkle)
Solution code: Column5 (9 digits, top to bottom)
Solved by SKORP17, StefanSch, ___, 9Rookienumbers, rameshsrivats, monky12334, jalebc, yanggang, Ploctypus, maniacaljackal, EL3CTR1CK, RebelSystem, Bjd, efnenu, Schesam, Brodie2000, ordnanceordinance, seeppp, ... koba1917, henter, babforlife, argl, Topalai, S4K, Lithusei, alexsmart, teuthida, killer_rectangle, SparklePuzzle, Doofenschmirtz, lovely, mezkur7, asver, timww572, sorryimLate, Carolin, PippoForte
on 8. May 2024, 14:20 by Sumanta(ANU)
Thank you Bionic Cheese, Snookerfan, Glasgow and yanggang...
Thank you friends for the solve and feedback. I am happy that you found the puzzle enjoyable to solve.
on 26. April 2024, 09:41 by Bionic Cheese
Super puzzle , thank you
on 25. April 2024, 11:44 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! Thank you
on 25. April 2024, 05:11 by Glasgow
Brilliant puzzle. Lots of fun solving this one. Thanks!
on 24. April 2024, 18:47 by yanggang
Wow! A lovely tribute to Phistomefel!