Your feedback, ratings and comments are highly appreciated. Have fun!
Puzzle link: Play on CTC SudokuPad.
Rules: Normal Sudoku rules apply. Each red line contains at one end the left-most digit of the scientific notation of a physical natural constant from the list below and the subsequent digits from that constant in given order on adjacent cells along the same line until the line ends, filling the line completely. Not all digits are necessarily used for a selected constant. The decimal point, the order of magnitude written as × 10n with integer exponent n, and the physical units that may follow are ignored. A subset of these constants (with numeric values as of 2024) must be used:
Boltzmann constant kB = 8.617333262 × 10-5 eV/K,
Fine-structure constant α = 7.2973525693 × 10-3,
Magnetic constant μ0 = 1.25663706212 × 10-6 H/m,
Planck constant h = 4.135667696 × 10-15 eV×s,
Planck length lPlanck = 1.616255 × 10-33 m,
Planck mass mPlanck = 2.176434 × 10-8 kg,
Speed of light c = 2.99792458 × 108 m/s,
Von Klitzing constant RK = 2.581280745 × 104 Ω.
Background: My motivation for setting this puzzle was to use it for physics teaching, but of course it can be solved without special knowledge, just using the given rules.
Solution code: All digits of row 3 (from left to right) followed by column 8 (from top to bottom) without spaces.
on 3. May 2024, 13:39 by Rollo
Bei der ID und an diesem Tag natürlich ein Muss für mich als Hamburger :-).
Ich musste auch schmunzeln, als ich die ID erhalten habe... TB