This puzzle was created for a Speed Setting Competition hosted by dumediat. When setting I decided to create a tribute to riffclown and his beautiful symmetrical puzzles, so I tried to recreate his style and the finesse of his paths. I hope I succeeded.
Normal sudoku rules apply.
On lockout lines, digits in diamonds must differ by 4 or more. Digits along the line may not be between or equal to the digits in the diamonds.
Digits on renban lines form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.
Re-framed is also available online on Sudokupad.
Have fun solving and please, leave a comment after your solve!
Solution code: Column 9 (9 digits)
on 23. April 2024, 23:19 by Nordy
Very nice! Super smooth, and a great introduction to Lockout Lines
on 22. April 2024, 18:53 by abadx
lovely puzzle. I believe renbans would fit into bubbles ;)
on 22. April 2024, 10:19 by Piatato
Fun puzzle, thanks!
on 22. April 2024, 00:01 by riffclown
You absolutely nailed it! I'm honored.