Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Black Sheep

(Published on 21. April 2024, 09:59 by NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in a circle appear at least once in the 4 surrounding cells

Cells connected by a white dot must be consecutive

Cells connected by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle

Solution code: give the digits of row 8 and 9 (left to right)

Last changed on on 2. June 2024, 10:57

Solved by jalebc, Guillem98, redgecko, Miaocik, fuxia, ehnvn, pepe74287, SKORP17, Gosciola19, josemadre, AAndrei_Truther, zorant, Natka23, Banana, DiMono, Carolin, AN_not_IO, Raistlen, jchan18, Marcos, Fra314, ... MinamotoYoshi, BeciaWieczko, JohnDoeJersey, Leoninus, asver, Lodinn, dan19, me and the paws, jadezki, jordanza, Zuka, PippoForte, snowyegret, siliciousreese, TroublesomeOrca, Coufik, pigeonsteps
Full list


on 12. June 2024, 19:47 by PinkNickels
Why does this only have a rating of ~80%? It deserves much better! I enjoyed it quite a bit!

on 2. June 2024, 10:57 by NurglesGift
added link

on 23. April 2024, 09:45 by Fra314
A couple of devilish spots for a 2*, still an excellent puzzle, fun and full of surprises!

Rating:85 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:11 times

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