Sudoku: Fill every row, column and marked 3x3 box with the digits 1-9.
Thermometer: Along thermometers "values" have to strictly increase from the bulb to the tip.
Entropy: Each 2x2 box in the grid has to contain a low digit (1, 2, 3), a middle digit (4, 5, 6) and a high digit (7, 8, 9).
Antimatter: If a digit is orthogonally adjacent to one or more digits of the same entropy group (i.e. {123}, {456} and {789}) its "value" becomes negative.
Have fun solving!
Sudoku on:
Solution code: Row 9 (9 digits)
on 12. October 2024, 21:50 by Mad-Tyas
"Modifier Cells" tag added
on 23. July 2024, 11:25 by Snookerfan
Beautiful! Looked very daunting, but was surprisingly smooth. Thank you
on 5. June 2024, 20:28 by shteev
Always happy to solve another Mad-Tyas entropy squares puzzle, no matter how long it takes me ^_^
on 20. April 2024, 12:17 by sanabas
That one took some thinking. Not convinced I didn't make a lucky guess along the way. Definitely a puzzle worth trying.