Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Separated in the Fog

(Published on 19. April 2024, 19:22 by FullDeck-Missing)

Normal sudoku rules: Every row, column, and box must contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.

Fog: Part of the grid is covered with fog. As correct digits are placed, the fog will clear from cells surrounding the correct digit, revealing additional clues. There is always enough information in the revealed portion of the grid to place another correct digit without guessing. Digits can be placed within the fog.

Nabner lines: No two digits along a Nabner line can be consecutive, regardless of their position on the line. Digits may not repeat on Nabner lines.

Cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the value shown in the leftmost cell of the topmost row of the cage.

Try the puzzle on the SudokuPad app by Sven Neumann.

You can find a complete list of our puzzles on LMD here. Please also visit us at Missing Deck Puzzles, where we post a new puzzle each day.

Solution code: Row 9, left to right, 9 digits with no spaces.

Solved by SKORP17, flaemmchen, fuxia, PinkNickels, TomZak, OGRussHood, Mittag, arbitrary, sujoyku, mrjide80, forsen, Alce, MontanaPearl, jerbear29, IcyFruit, NineK, Maxima, Mozart40, Schesam, kublai, ... tefriend, UsernameDave, PippoForte, zuzanina, richliaofs, mbaaz, me and the paws, kapostolou, snowyegret, Aeneryss, bilms, drmegadude, mietepiet, CSStead, Omnicole, Vaurien, pigeonsteps, Toren
Full list


on 17. May 2024, 00:11 by abihummel
Had to come back to this one multiple times. Glad I stuck it out. Lovely puzzle.

on 25. April 2024, 08:44 by Dragonheart91
A little too hard for me. There is a serious difficulty spike right after the initial break in to see the nabner logic that places a digit.

on 24. April 2024, 14:54 by kredenc
Thansk for this very fun and enjoyable, not-so-hard puzzle, and thanks Sven for the killer cage calculator which make this puzzle not-so-hard for me. :)))

on 21. April 2024, 13:41 by 91loves
Very fun puzzle, though I got a bit stuck at the start. Never done nabners, this was a great introduction to those :)

on 21. April 2024, 06:52 by Angrily Scoff
Very nice interactions. This puzzle is proof that nabners can be fun! The killer cage calculator helped out a lot on this one.

on 20. April 2024, 05:53 by timotab
Fun puzzle with some great logic. I very much enjoyed it.

on 20. April 2024, 00:05 by Nostor
Thank you, very smooth and certainly a bit of a challenge as I am not very familiar with Nabner lines .

on 19. April 2024, 23:28 by inthemoonlight
I really enjoyed how smooth the logic was in this puzzle.

on 19. April 2024, 20:51 by sujoyku
Thank you for yet another fantastic puzzle, FullDeck-Missing! The combination of fog, Nabner lines and killer cages was huge fun to figure out. The logic always felt clean and smooth. Thank you for setting and sharing this treat!

Last changed on 19. April 2024, 20:38

on 19. April 2024, 20:36 by OGRussHood
Great starter puzzle for those who are afraid to dip their toes into nabner lines.

Rating:93 %
Solved:302 times
Observed:14 times

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