Somedokus Are Friendly Dokus
(Published on 15. April 2024, 20:39 by juggler)
Thanks to blackjackfitz for inventing the Somedoku rule set!
This puzzle is part of a series.
Friends You Can Count On
Somedokus Are Friendly Dokus
SOMEDOKU - Fill each cell with a digit from 1-9. In each row N and column N, there are exactly N unique digits (the rest are repeats).
IDENTITY CAGES - Digits in a cage must be the same.
KROPKI - Cells separated by a white dots have adjacent digits.
FRIEND CIRCLES - Digits are "friends" if and only if they are orthogonally adjacent to each other anywhere in the puzzle. For example, if a 1 appears next to a 7, then 1 and 7 are friends. A circled digit indicates how many friends that digit has. Note: a digit is friends with itself if it appears next to itself.
The squares outside the grid are for note-taking purposes only.
In this example,
...2 is friends with 4
...3 is friends with 7 and 4
...7 is friends with 3 and 4
...4 is friends with 2, 3, 7, and itself
Solution code: Column 4 from top to bottom
Last changed on on 18. July 2024, 19:32
Solved by vitaminz, SKORP17, StartUp21, ChinStrap, Felis_Timon, Ploctypus, LuanMerlin, cornish-john, blackjackfitz, mathaddict, linl33, SenatorGronk, Franjo, teuthida, br3akingp01nt, tiredsudoku, tourtiflette, tuturitu, emoney13, meowme, Nell Gwyn, Julianus, karen_birgitta, QuiltyAsCharged, Counterfeitly, Scojo, Da Letter El, Puzzle Weasel, bansalsaab, madmart, cam, fajoogaloo, Doc Liu, oskode, widjo
on 19. August 2024, 00:54 by fajoogaloo
Very satisfying break-in and ending. Love the way friendly and somedoku work together. Great puzzle :)
on 25. May 2024, 19:44 by cam
This was absolutely delightful and I loved every second of it. The beauty rating for this is criminally low and it isn't too terribly difficult. Thank you for the wonderful puzzle :)
On an unrelated note: I love note-taking squares. This puzzle wouldn't be more difficult without them in my opinion, but it's always a welcomed feature.
on 17. April 2024, 23:10 by emoney13
I found this puzzle quite tricky but very very good. A lot of great logic!
on 16. April 2024, 04:49 by blackjackfitz
Yes, great to see others setting somedokus, so much more interesting logic to be had. This one was a beauty, really lovely break-in but plenty of meat on those bones even after you think you've cracked it.
on 16. April 2024, 00:00 by ChinStrap
Great! The break in was marvelous but the puzzle didn't fall apart until the very end. Lots of lovely questions to ask.
on 15. April 2024, 20:49 by vitaminz
Thanks for this. Perfect balance of progress and roadblocks. And those roadblocks really make you think in interesting and novel ways, as is to be expected of your puzzles.